Chapter 6:

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I woke up to see 5 concerned faces looking down at me. I realised I was lying in a bed. Then I realised who the five faces belonged to.

"It's you" I yelped, as I sat up

I had five faces looking at me. Those five faces happened to belong to one direction

"yeah it's us" Louis replied, with a smile on his face.

"Oh my god...anyone...h-how...explain?" I stuttered.

"Well, last night we were at a night club and we went outside to get some fresh air and there was, like, harassing you" Louis said with a even bigger smile on his face.

"Louis, it's not funny" Liam corrected him.

Niall continued "so we, like grabbed him and like forced him away from you, you know?"

Harry took over "then we brought you to our car and you were basically, like, barely conscious. You tried to get out, but we kinda stopped you"

"No, I stopped her" Zayn corrected him.

"Then we brought you to our hotel room. We're in my, Niall, and Zayn's room at the moment, you're sleeping in my bed" Liam pointed out

Okay, basically one direction saved me and I'm sleeping in Liam Payne's bed? Normal....

"What now?" I ask, almost afraid to ask the question.

"We'll that's up to you. Do you wanna go home?" Louis asked

"I wish" I muttered under my breath


"I don't have a home. I'm homeless"

A look of shock registered on all the boys faces

"Well, I was gonna suggest you stay with us" said harry.

I had been waiting for this suggestion.

"That would be great, thanks"

"Harry, can I have a word please?" Liam asked annoyance in his voice

"Sure" Harry stood up and sauntered over to Liam who took his arm and dragged him into the bathroom.

All the boys just sat where they were looking awkward.

Then the voices came from the bathroom

"Why the hell....invite Liam's voice declared

"Why not?" Harry's said defensively

"...don't want....trailing....distracting.." Liam said

"..just been abused......don't care.....not safe....coming with like it or not" Harry almost shouted.

That's when Harry stormed out and took a gentle grip on my arm, sliding me out of the bed.

"You're staying in my room" he declared

I have to admit, harry was scary when he was angry, I didn't dare argue and I let him guide me out the door and across the hall to his room. He led me inside and lay me down on the bed.

"Get some rest" he said as he walked out the door slamming it behind him.

I know harry had told me to get some rest, but I couldn't resist looking round the room. It was the same as Liam, Niall and Zayn's, but messier. I was presuming this was also Louis's room.

Omg. I noticed i was drenched in sweat. I wonder if Harry will mind if I have a shower? Probably not.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I closed the door and started to take off my filthy clothes. Once I was naked, I stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash over me. I was completely relaxed and had no intention of leaving this shower any time soon.


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