Your face is the first thing i see.

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August 23rd.

-Vic's POV-

I groaned rolling in bed, I couldn't sleep, I don't think anyone could. Ashley and Oliver were screaming at the top of their lungs at each other. I rolled out of bed, looking around. Gewel was at the stove cooking, wearing a blue dress. Tony standing next to her, watching her cook, both laughing over something. Ronnie and Ryan sat on the couch, Ronnie's eyes on Gewels ass. I felt my hands turn into fist, the camera crew pointing the camera at me. Matt, Matt, and Jaime were sitting on the other couch, looking at his bass. I got up going into the bathroom washing my face. I swear, if Ronnie tried anything on Gewel.. Or Ashley. I'd punch him in the face. Don't mess with my girlfriend/soon to be fiancé or my best friends girl. I walked out the bathroom going up behind Gewel, putting an arm around her kissing her shoulder.

"What's for lunch?" I asked, Gewel smiled kissing me then looked at the pan flipping pancakes.

"Mmm.. pancakes and bacon. For Tony pancakes and eggs." She said with a smile, I kissed the back of her neck then sat at the table.

"Foods ready guys!" Gewel yelled, not loud enough to go over Oliver and Ashley's yelling. Everyone poured into the booth. Matt, Matt, Jaime, Ryan, Ronnie, Chris, me, then Tony. Gewel looked at us, then at her pile of her pancakes thinking. Gewel put plates in front of all of us, then set 3 pancakes on each of our plates. Then the bacon, for Tony the eggs.

"Damn." Chris said looking at me, I looked at him with a questioning look

"Your girlfriend, she just never seems to fail at cooking." He said laughing, I nodded before taking a bite. Gewel sat on the edge, five pancakes on her plate and eggs instead of bacon.

"Someone's hungry." Ronnie said, Gewel looked at him after taking a bite.

"Uh, well yeah. I didn't eat last night. I went to bed early." Gewel said, I took a bite of my pancakes.

"Better be careful, you'll lose that figure." He said, I shot him a look, his eyes blood shot. Gewel looked at him.

"I don't need to worry about losing my figure okay? Besides, the only one that should care is Vic, my BOYFRIEND. Not you Ronnie, okay?" Gewel snapped, Ronnie smirked and shrugged. Gewel rolled her eyes and got up, throwing her food out and walked into the back room, a few seconds later walked back out with clothes in her hand and walked into the bathroom. I could see tears roll down her face.

"Really man." Tony said looking at Ronnie.

"Well it's true, five pancakes? That's a lot. I don't even eat that much. Unless I'm high." Ronnie said, I stabbed my fork into my pancake.

"Look, I need you to not be an ass to my girl, and to stop staring at her ass. She's mine, and only mine." I said through my teeth, the table got quiet.

"Come on bro. Her and Ashley are the only girls on this tour, what do you expect." Ronnie said, Tony scooted out the booth, I got out behind him finishing up my food and threw it out. I went to the bathroom knocking. I could hear a faint "who is it?" come from the inside.

"Babe, it's me." I said, a few seconds later Gewel opened the door letting me in. Gewel sat on the toilet seat in her underwear and bra, I locked the door kneeling in front of her, taking her hands in mine.

"Gewel, don't listen to him." I said, Gewel looked at me, then the floor and nodded.

-later that night, Gewels POV-

I looked around the venue, it was so empty. I turned back to the booth and finished setting up. Making sure the booth was set up nicely. Ashley next to me fixing her side of the table. I looked up as kids started to pour in, one after another.

I never wanted to be this way. (Sequel to LLW)Where stories live. Discover now