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-Gewels POV, a week later-

"I'm leaving for tour Gewel, maybe its best we take a break while Im gone. You know, to be sure nothing happens." Vic mumbled looking at me, I looked at him feeling my heart rip into two and drop into the pit of my stomach.

"W-what? Why? What about Aiden and Chassidy?" I asked, at the verge of tears. I felt my chest tighten up. Vic shrugged looking around into the dark night thinking. No emotion showed on his face. Did he even care? Maybe he would find someone prettyier then me, someone skinnier, someone taller, someone more talented, or maybe he just didnt love me or the kids anymore. Maybe he's back with Alli..

I sat up rubbing my eyes, my heart racing as I woke up. He only gave me the news five days ago that he would be leaving in a week for a two month tour and I was already freaking out. This is the first tour I wouldn't be going along for, luckily they replaced me with a merch guy instead of girl. I felt my heart ache at the thought of not being able to touch, feel, hear or be with Vic anymore. Unless it was over Skype. I groaned aloud hearing a knock at the door, I sighed looking at my alarm clock. 2:39am. Who the hell was knocking at 2am? I shook Vic trying to wake him up, the knocking got louder. Vic mumbled something and rolled over facing the opposite way. I sat up grabbing my shirt off the floor pulling it on, I rubbed my eyes again fixing my shorts as I walked downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled at whoever was on the other side, Chassidy started crying loudly, Aidens cries followed a second later awaken by Chassidy. I looked upstairs, then at the door. I ran upstairs and looked at Aiden, I grabbed his binki off the shelf and put it into his mouth, he sucked on the binki and fell back asleep. I picked up Chassidy rocking her in my arms looking at the clock 2:45am. I fed her at 12:50, it shouldn't be time for her to eat again. I grabbed the pink binki with flowers on it and stuck it in her mouth gently, she sucked on it hungrily. I took a deep breath thinking, the loud knocking at the door breaking my thoughts. I walked downstairs with Chassidy who looked around curiously. I finally opened the door with an annoyed look, Alli smiled cheesily standing there. I groaned aloud looking at her, I could smell alcohol on her before she could even open her mouth.

"Alli, it's 3am. I don't care who you are, you better have a good fucking reason to be knocking like that." I spat, Alli grinned, her eyes on Chassidy the entire time. I held Chassidy to my chest tightly, Alli put her hands up, balancing herself.

"I miss my baby. T-that's all. I just want to see her." Alli said drunkly, I looked at her and laughed.

"See her? Alli, she's my daughter. Mine and Vic's daughter." I hissed, Alli laughed reaching a hand out towards Chassidy. I smacked her hand away with my free hand, I slammed the door shut locking it. I walked upstairs placing Chassidy in her crib, Chassidy laid there quietly and fell asleep. I jumped hearing the loud knocks on the door again, I ran into the room shaking Vic.

"Babe, babe!" I said, Vic rolled over looking at me, slightly annoyed. I looked at him.

"Babe, Alli is here." I said, the loud knocking at the door proving what I just said, Vic looked at me. Vic rolled his eyes and walked downstairs, in his pj pants, I followed close behind. Vic opened the door, Alli smiled waving. Alli looked at me, then Vic staring at his chest then his face. I felt a sting of jealously, even though I knew Vic was in no way interested.

"Alli, look, you need to leave, I can't have you harassing my family. Not at fucking 3am, not at any time. Chassidy is mine, and Gewels." Vic said in a stern voice, Alli bite her lip then looked at me.

"Look, you should know how I feel. Imagine I-if they took Aiden away. How would you feel?" I felt my heart sink into my stomach after she finished, and then shook it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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