Chapter 5

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Beca's POV
I finished the song and everyone was silent, it was so quiet you could literally hear a pin drop. I became nervous, I mean what if they didn't like it, what if I sounded horrible and Chloe was just trying to be nice in the showers? Which reminds me I need to ask her about that. "That was amazing Beca!" I heard my best friend breaking the silence and I gave her a weak smile. "I agree." Jesse said smiling at me, then winked. I blushed a bit and got off the stage. As soon as I got off Jesse came backstage to me "hey weirdo! I didn't know you had such an amazing voice" he smiled, slipping his arm around my waist and I knew I was blushing again "you're such a dork" I laughed and slightly shook my head. "So Beca I was wondering if you uh maybe wanted to go out with me? Like on a date? We can go to the movies I love movies" he said turning red. I didn't know what to do I hate movies and I met him like yesterday, plus I only watch movies with Chloe. "Uh Ye-" I was cut off by Chloe pulling me away from Jesse. "She doesn't like movies plus we're busy tonight so go find another date" she said being a little too overprotective. Was she eavesdropping that whole time, she did look jealous too. Jesse shot her a weird look then looked to me, I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged. Chloe is acting so weird today and I have no clue why first the shower, Dylan, and now this. Jesse sighed and slipped his hands in his pockets "alright, well I guess I'll see you at uh the radio station tomorrow, bye Beca." I could hear the disappointment in his voice and I could tell he was meaning to ask me this since we met, I kind of felt bad but he can ask me another time Chloe isn't around.
Chloe's POV
I sat on Beca's bed and watched her pace around the room "what's up with you chlo! You just turned down a date from a guy I actually like so we can do what!" I bit my lip and looked at my hands "ugh I hate you so much right now!" I know Beca was just saying this because she was angry, she always gets like this when she's mad. "Beca you met him yesterday!" I said crossing my arms over my chest and she just glared at me. "What the fuck Chloe! You were fucking a guy this morning in the shower, so you shouldn't be the one to judge on what's right or wrong here!" I got up and stared at her "nothing happened Beca! We made-out nothing else happened because when I heard you sing we St-" Beca cut me off which made me groan "You don't barge into people's showers by the way! Especially when you have a naked guy with you that you barely know! Only sluts do that!" Beca stopped for a second and looked at me. I could tell she noticed how hurt I was, she hugged me but I pushed her away. "chlo I'm sor-" she began but I just cut her off "Don't touch me and don't talk to me. I'm not a slut and college is for experimenting, I'm just trying to find out stuff that I've never thought about, so I'm not a slut for trying to find out if I'm into girls or guys, heck maybe even both who fucking knows Beca! I'm just trying to figure my shit out wore I commit to anyone and maybe you should to that too!" I said defensively and I walked out slamming the door behind me. I walked out on campus grounds and kept walking. It took me thirty minutes to realize I wasn't on campus anymore so I just laid under the closet tree to me and stared at the sky. It was cloudy and looked like it was gonna rain soon but I didn't really care, it was relaxing here and nice. I can't believe Beca called me a slut though! She has no right to judge me and what I do, it's my life I can make my own decisions and she of all people should know how much I hate when people judge me when it's not their business. It kind of hurt me too I never thought she would call me that and mean it, after all we've been through, she's my best friend for Christ sakes she should never even think of judging me in anyway! I calmed down a bit and cleared my thoughts before sitting back up. I calmly sigh before looking around. I was in this park but it was just grass and flowers with a few trees, no one was here which made it even better. There was a few streams and I'm sure if you followed them you'd find a lake, it just looked breath taking even though the sky's were grey. I smiled at the sight, it was beautiful. I fully got up and walked back to campus, maybe that spot back there can be my escape from everything when I'm mad or upset. When I got back on campus I went straight to my dorm, ignoring everyone around me. I walked in to see the tv on, there was my favourite movie on there, which of course is Meet The Millers, but it was still on pause. I looked around and no one was in the room I sighed and sat down. I noticed there was also my favourite comfort food on the bed, Mac and cheese, but where was Beca? I got back up and walked over to my closet and began changing, the door swung open and in came Beca with blizzards from DQ. I smiled and took my shirt and pants off. "Damn red, I almost forgot how smokin' hot my best friend is" Beca gave me a sad smile, then put the blizzards on the desk beside her bed "look Chloe I'm really sorry for saying what I said, I didn't mean it at all" Beca but her lip and I shrugged then put on one of Beca's plaid shits on, only buttoning it up half way before plopping down on my bed. "It's okay but Beca if you keep doing stuff like this" I gestured to the TV, my comfort food, then the ice creams "you're gonna be Beca the softie, like all the time" Beca just rolled her eyes and smiled a bit before sitting down on her bed. "Shut up, I felt bad. Now get your food and get your ass over here so we can watch this movie" Beca smiled at me and patted the spot beside where she was laying. Yes, Beca didn't like movies but there was a few she did like, like this movie, or the fault in our stars, and she really enjoyed friends even though it wasn't a movie. Knowing these little things about her is the advantage of being her best friend, and god sometimes she so amazing I think I'm falling for her but I'm straight so that's not even possible. I grabbed my food and went over to her bed, then laid down beside her. She pressed play then spooned me while we watched the movie and eventually eating the ice creams. "You know we do this almost every night now" I smiled as the movie finished "you're such a dork" she smiled and pulled me closer to her before falling asleep.
Sorry for this crappy update guys but I wanted to update because I won't be able to update it for two weeks so yea again sorry this chapter was really crappy and if the grammar wasn't okay at some parts this was really rushed but anyways thanks for reading so far.

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