Chapter 6

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Chloe's POV
I stared at the sky, laying on my back in my special spot, I really need to clear my mind. It's been a few weeks since beca and I have been in the Bella's, I'm happy that we both got in. The group of girls that are in it are... Well quite interesting, don't get me wrong they are funny and I already love them to death but they are pretty weird but that is why I love them. Aubrey has been on our asses since the first meeting about cardio, dancing, and our vocal range but it's okay. She's been going easy on me because I'm co-captain but she hates beca, like a lot. I've been feeling weird around beca lately I think I may like her, okay I don't think I know, I Chloe Beale like my best friend, Beca Mitchell. She likes Jesse though, she doesn't shut up about him and its getting annoying. I sighed and got up and headed back to campus. When I got to my dorm, I could smell the popcorn. I smiled to myself maybe beca set up one of our little movie nights. I opened the door and my smile quickly faded "uh hi Jesse" I rolled my eyes and slowly walked to my bed, avoiding eye contact with beca. How did HE get beca to watch from what sounds like it, the breakfast club. I sat on my bed and glanced at them, I saw him leaning in and she quickly looked at me before moving back from him. "Uh Jesse it's getting late, I should get some sleep" beca looked at me again with a look I couldn't read, Jesse nodded and closed his computer. "I'll see you tomorrow night, 8 right?" He asked getting up and beca just nodded. He turned to me, waving awkwardly at me then left closing the door behind him. I glared at beca "tomorrow night?" I said trying to not sound jealous or hurt in any way, although I was feeling both of those feelings. "Uh yea, yea he is taking me on a date" she said quietly, I looked away and didn't say anything "Chloe what is your problem with him? He's really sweet you just have to give him a chance to prove that to you, you're being too protective over me, it's like you think he could make me forget about you" beca got up and made her way to my bed. "Which he can't by the way, you come before any guy, or anyone for that matter" I can't believe she was actually going out with that loser "whatever it doesn't fucking matter, anyways so I got us that gig I mentioned a few weeks ago, I know we aren't finished our song but we could do covers, we will be playing there every Saturday night which is tomorrow so.." I shrugged and she sighed "fine, but I'm still gonna go out with him, just another night" she laid on my bed pulling me with her "cuddle with me?" She said pouting, causing me to giggle and rap my arms around her. She laid her head on my chest and rapped an arm around my waist and tangled her legs in mine. "Where were you" she asked since I was gone for probably two or three hours, she just kept going on and on about Jesse and I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to get out of there."I uh was just at Aubrey's" I shrugged and she sat up but I was quick to pull her back down "why were you with her" she tried sitting up again but I had a good grip around her waist. "Uh well we're friends, and we were just talking" I sighed and she turned to face me "about what?" She looked so emotionless so I didn't know if she was mad or something "I just needed someone to vent to" I bit the inside of my cheek trying my best to keep up my lie, I didn't want anyone to know about my spot it's only for me when I need an escape. "So you left our conversation to go vent to Aubrey Posen when you could always just talk to me! Chloe I'm your best friend you can talk to me about anything" she paused and silence filled the room "so what did you have to vent to her about anyways" she said staring into my eyes, I knew how stubborn she is so I'm gonna have to answer this anyways "I was venting about someone I like" I looked at the ceiling, at least it was partly true. I was venting about the person I've fallen for, but not to Aubrey, just to myself. "YOU TOLD AUBREY WHO YOU LIKE AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME!" She yelled and sat up. I cringed from the yelling since she was right beside me "becs calm down, it's not a big deal I- um I'm just not completely sure if I really like them" that was a lie I was positive that I was falling for beca Mitchell. "Oh uh okay" she looked disappointed and slowly laid back down "can you give me hints?" I sighed and turned on my side to face her "you just don't give up do you Mitchell" I said with a small smile "no I do not.. So is it Dylan?" She asked poking my side. I bit my lip and looked at her "no uh no, I- it- I god damn it, beca it's a girl" I saw her face go from curious to surprised in less than a second "oh so you've done your experimenting already?" She said looking into my eyes and I looked back into hers. I guess I got lost in them because she asked me again "um no I haven't done anything with girls yet but I guess I've just realized that I'm falling for this girl, who is amazing by the way, she just makes my day a hundred times better and I've liked her for so long but I was so oblivious that I haven't noticed until a few days ago" I all let out in one breath "aweeee, my favourite red head is growing up so fast, what's her name?" Beca wiggled her eyebrows and stroked my hair softly "I told you I'm not telling you" I looked at her and she pouted "that's not working this time Mitchell" I winked at her and she rolled her eyes "I still don't understand why you couldn't just come to me in the first place" she stopped stroking my hair "well because you wouldn't shut up about Jesse"
"well I can't stop thinking about him Chloe, I just can't help myself" I got up and gestured towards the door "I have class, gotta go" I walked to the door and just as I was about to walk out she stopped me "no you don't, I looked at your schedule before Jesse got here, I was bored" I sighed and shook my head "you are soooooo nosy" I jokingly whined and she punched my arm playfully "you're such a weirdo" she laughed and walked over to her desk "is it Aubrey?" I looked at her and sighed "for fucks sake beca just give it a rest, and no it's not Aubrey" I crossed my arms over my chest and she threw her hands up in defence "damn Beale, this side of you is sexy, whoever this girl is she is very lucky" she winked and I giggled then looked away because I knew I turned slightly red. "Oh by the way the Bella's are going out next Friday but nothing big probably just a pub or something" she smiled instantly and nodded "okay good, I need a night out with you losers but I'm bringing a plus one" she said which made my heart break because I knew who that plus one was and I knew he already had her heart, he has what I want, he has what I deserve, fucking Jesse.
So I was on vacation in Cuba and I didn't have wifi so that's why I haven't been updating but I wrote three chapters and working on a four while I was gone so thanks for reading

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