Chapter 12

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Beca's POV
I woke up to an empty bed, half of Chloe's clothes were gone and the other half, well they were all over the place. I sat up and looked around the room, Chloe's computer was also gone. Where is she? I grabbed my phone and called her, but it went straight to her voicemail. I'm really worried about her, what if she's gone like for good and I ruined what we had. I'm such a fuck-up. I called her again and it went to her voicemail, again. "Hey Chloe, I know I'm a dick and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and what I did was wrong. You see, the only reason I did what I did is because I'm scared... I'm scared of commitment, I'm scared of being in love, I'm scared of screwing up, not like I haven't screwed up already and I know that isn't an excuse though. What I did was wrong and Chloe Beale I care about you a lot, I miss you... Just please call me back when you get this, I'm really worried red" I hung up and got up. I got dressed and walked out. I need to find her.
I called Stacie and she answered on the first ring. "Beca?" She said  "Stacie I fucked up" I said quickly and my voice cracked slightly. "What's wrong? Where are you? I'll come and get you." I could hear the concern in her voice. "No Stace, I fucked up with Chloe, half of her things are gone. Last night I fell asleep with her in my arms, this morning she was gone" I felt my eyes start to water. I was looking everywhere, I walked around campus. I went to the auditorium, I even went to Dylan's dorm and still no Chloe. "Okay becs, it's going to be okay" I rolled my eyes "no it's not! Stacie look I need help finding her, do you know where she is?" There was a long pause, and I mean a really long pause "Stacie where the fuck is she I know you know!" I raised my voice and got a few odd looks from other people. "Beca, calm down. I'm sorry okay she just needs her space, she said that she's never been in so much pain before, emotionally. She just needed to get out of there" hearing that made my heart break, did I really hurt her that badly. "Ask her how she is, oh and tell her I miss her" it was quiet, but I still heard it. It was her, she was with Stacie "how have you been since she left, you know she misses you a lot" Stacie said while shushing Chloe, I started walking to Stacie dorm as fast as I could "Stacie let me talk to her!" I picked up my pace to a light jog "Beca I'm not even with her" I forced out a sarcastic laugh. "Cut the crap Stacie" I knocked on the door and no one answered "Stacie open the door, now" I demanded. Still no answer."Stacie I swear to god.." My voice trailed off and I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it quickly. "I'm not at my dorm" Stacie mumbled quietly, maybe I should give her space... "Fuck" I muttered under my breath and hung up. I would go to Aubrey's dorm but I don't know where it is, I need to do something quick, but right now I just need to let her be. I walked to the nearest beer store and bought as many cases as I could. I called a taxi and gave him the directions to where Chloe took me last night. When I got there I payed him and took my beer. I went to the spot where we fell asleep, where everything started falling apart. I laid down and looked up at the sky, the sun was shining bright and there were very few clouds. I opened a beer and sat up, I sipped on it. Chloe doesn't deserve me, no one does. Why she fell in love with me is a question I've been asking myself since she was trying to tell me that, she was wrong I'm not bent, I am broken and I've always been broken. I quickly downed the rest of my beer and opened another bottle. I fucking hate myself, I hate myself for doing what I did to Chloe, the one person that has been there for me from the start, the one person I can count on and trust, the one person that makes me feel like I'm not a nobody... but then there's Jesse, he is such a sweet guy but I don't really like him, maybe in the beginning there was a little spark, but I don't want a little spark, and I don't want him. I want Chloe. I finished my second bottle and moved onto my third, I kept drinking and drinking until I can barley stand, so I just laid there for what seemed like hours until my phone started ringing. I laughed and picked it up with out checking who was calling "Beca, baby where are you?" I heard Jesse and then knocking in the background. "None of your business" I quietly giggled and looked around. "No, she's not here... Beca where the hell are you Stacie just came to my dorm asking me where you are, I'm really starting to worry babe!" I sighed and rolled my eyes "you sound like my dad... Ew gross" I started laughing "Beca..." I stopped and sat up "Chlo..." I tried to stand up but just fell back down. "Chloe where are you? I miss you like crazy and I just wanna hold you and tell you how sorry I am, because I am sorry I was so stupid" my voice cracked when I heard her quietly crying over the phone "Beca it doesn't matter where I am, but where are you? And are you okay? Most importantly are you safe?" She sniffled and I frowned. "I thought you took Jesse's phone to talk to um me" I looked down at my hand that's rested on my lap "no, uh no" her voice cracked a little, it was barley noticeable but I noticed it "I just took the phone because they thought you would be more uh cooperative with me.." I hung up with out saying anything else and laid down again. I started crying, I thought college is supposed to be fun. I looked up at the sky, the sun was now setting and I'm too drunk to go back to my dorm. It's starting to get cold but I don't really mind. I just wish Chloe was here, she makes everything better.
Hey so sorry for the short chapter this is kind of just a fill in but thank for reading and voting, I've decided to finish this story.. It might not end the way I planned it to but hopefully the ending is okay! I'll try to update asap but just letting you guys know now I'm really busy next week and this weekend so it might be a while till the next update especially since my birthday is coming up.. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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