Chapter 17

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Becas POV
"Thanks" Chloe managed to say before running up stairs. Tears were streaming down her face, I couldn't believe her parents would treat her like that. I mean they're exactly like Chloe, so happy and preppy and open to anything I would never expect grace and mark to act that way. I just hope when Chloe's brothers find out they won't react as her parents did because Chloe absolutely adores her brother. Wait why am I sitting here thinking about this when I should be upstairs comforting my girlfriend. As I was about to stand up from the dinner table to go upstairs my mom looked at me "I can't believe grace and mark they are being ridiculous" she said while shaking her head "anyways, you've been quiet for quiet some time. What's on your mind?" She added as she sat back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chair. "Oh um I was just thinking of the way Chloe's parents reacted... You're not upset or anything?" I asked nervously. Although my mom seemed very calm about all this, it's often very hard to read her I guess she's like me in a way. Closed-off and guarded but opens up to people who she cares about in her life but it's nearly impossible to read her by her expressions. "Honey of course I'm not upset and to be honest with you I kind of already guessed this would happen I mean please it's pretty obvious" she said with a smile "but how did you know?" I asked surprised of all things. How the hell did she know that Chloe and I would date and not only that but how was it obvious? "Well we've known Chloe and her family for a long time Beca and I'm not oblivious to the way you acted around her. The way you're mood changed the moment she would walk in the room, the tone you would use with her, when she complemented you you would have the biggest smile I've ever seen you make and you're cheeks would go bright red and the way you looked at her in awe every time you would look at her kind of gave it away. I knew you like her even if you didn't know yet. How did your dad react to this? I know he doesn't really accept it" She said and I felt a small smile creep onto my face and I shook my head at the mention of how I reacted whenever I was with Chloe but that smile quickly disappeared at the mention of my dad. "Um well he didn't really agree with it and he's trying to get passed it because he's still trying to get me to talk to him. Anyways I'm gonna go check on Chloe she probably needs me to be there for her right now. Night mom" I smiled at my mom and she nodded. I quickly ran up the stairs and quietly walked into my room. Chloe was already asleep. She had tear stains on her face and I felt myself frown. I walked over to her and saw there was still a tear in the corner of her eye, so I gently wiped it and got undressed. I put on one of Chloe's sweaters. I loved sleeping in Chloe's sweaters they were big on me but not too big which made it very comfortable. I sat in bed next to where Chloe was laying and pulled the blanket over us "sweet dreams baby" I whispered then kissed her cheek gently making sure not to wake her and then I laid down and closed my eyes.
I look around and the cost was clear. Chloe was no where to be seen so I ran as fast as I could to the tree and hid behind it and started making another snow ball. I wasn't gonna let Chloe Beale win our little snow fight. No way. That would only give her bragging rights but damn was this girl good at hiding. Where could she even be I mean my backyard is big but I would think that I would find her by now, and I already checked the front yard and she wasn't there either. She couldn't be in the house because then my mom would get mad at us for leaving trails of snow around the house. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths an before I could open my eyes I felt a snowball hit the side of my head. "Ah! Chloe that's cold!" I yelled as I felt some snow getting into my jacket and running down my back causing me to shiver. "I win!" She laughed and ran over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek but I just moved away and pouted. "You're such a sore loser" she teased and rapped her arms around my waist and began placing kisses all over my face. "Chloe" I whined while I squirmed in her grip "I don't want kisses" I smirked and she loosened her grip on my waist and stopped "okay Mitchell no kisses for you then" she teased before turning around and walking to the back door. "Wait! Red I was joking!" I laughed and walked after her "nope you're not getting kisses for the rest of the day" she turned around quickly causing me to bump into her and then she smiled. "That's not fair" this time I rapped my arms around her and pulled her close "I want kisses" I whispered softly and she smiled and shook her head. "Fine but only this one time Mitchell" she put a loose strand of hair behind my ear and stared at me with a smile. Gosh that smile. That look. She's just perfect and I'm glad she's mine. Just as we were about to kiss my mom came out "hey lovebirds, sorry if I'm ruining something but Chloe your brother Sean is at the front door... He wants to talk to you. If he hurts you too I swear I'll kick his ass" she shook her head before walking back inside. Chloe sighed and looked back at me "I guess we have to continue this later babe" She said and gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking inside.
After our little snowball fight I went inside and made Chloe and I some hot chocolate. I said at the island counter I the kitchen waiting for Chloe. Chloe finally came inside from her talk with her brother Sean, I don't know what he said but I couldn't really tell by Chloe's facial expression. "Hey red, what took you so long our hot chocolate is gonna get cold" I smiled at her and she returned it. "Sorry babe" I handed her a mug "so what did your brother say?" I asked curiously. Sean and Chloe are really close so I doubt that he hurt her but if he did I swear to god I'll kill him. "He was fine with it. He actually said mom and dad are being stupid and he can't stand the way they're treating me" she sighed and took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Well that's great" I smiled before hopping off the counter "come watch friends with me" I gestured to the living room and then walked into it as she trailed close behind me. I sat on the couch and she sat next to me then I rapped my arms around her "you know, I could get used to this" Chloe said looking up at me "I love you" she leaned up a little and kissed my cheek which caused me to blush and smile "I love you too Beale."
Okay I know I haven't updated in a while but I just feel as if no one really cares about this story anymore which kind of sucks because i made a second part to this story already and it's really good and I don't want it to go to waste. But yea I'm not getting votes or comments anymore and it's really making me question this whole story... So maybe suggestions or something? Anyways for those of you who still read it sorry for taking a while to update...

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