Chapter 3

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Beca stared at Chloe while she was still asleep, she didn't know why she was but something just drew her to Chloe. She softly ran her fingers in Chloe's hair, admiring it. She just was noticing how beautiful her best friend was, well she always thought that but even without her bright blue eyes in sight, she still is just as beautiful.
Chloe's POV
I'm just waking up, when I feel someone playing with my hair and I know it's Beca so I decide to lay still. It felt nice. I smiled and opened my eyes "I knew you were obsessed with me but are you really that attached to me Mitchell." I said all in one breath and Beca jumped back and I could tell I startled her. She shook her head and I laughed, sitting up in one of my baggy sweaters and my underwear. "Not cool red" she said slightly smiling at me before pointing out the window "the activities fair started half an hour ago we better get going" she continued before getting up and walking to her closet. I stood up and walked to mine and we both got changed but I couldn't help it, I was staring at her and I didn't even notice. Beca turned around and laughed before putting on jeans and a plaid shirt "wow my best friend is a pervert" at that comment I turned bright red. "You can't blame me" Chloe laughed a bit trying to shake off what just happened. Even I was confused as to why I was so fixated on Beca. "Well let's go" I said grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the dorm and down the hall. We were soon outside and I lead her to the Barden Bellas booth where Aubrey was. Aubrey smiled at me then glared at Beca. "Oh right Beca this is Aubrey, Aubrey this is Beca" I said noticing the tension between the two. Aubrey explained to us that the Barden Bellas was and a cappella group on campus, Beca wasn't as interested as I was and her and Aubrey kept fighting. "We have to go Aubrey. We'll see you at auditions!" I said being my perky self before dragging Beca with me. As we continued walking I turned to her and crossed my arms "what the hell was that Beca" I said frustrated with her behaviour back at the booth.
Beca's POV
"What do you mean Chloe!? She was the one being the bitch not me!" I stopped walking and pulled her aside from everyone else. "No Beca you were being the bitch, she was just trying to be nice!" She said and rolled her eyes. We were practically yelling at each other when something caught my eye. "I'll see you later... And I'm not trying out for the Barden ellas or whatever they're called" I said and walked off quickly before she had the chance to argue with me more than she has already. I walked to the internship booth and got an application for the place. "Good choice" I heard someone say from behind me "I'm Jesse Sawnson by the way, nice to meet you?" He asked for my name and I smiled before looking down. "Beca" I said shyly.. Wait since when am I ever shy? I mean I put up my walls to protect me but I'm not shy. "Well nice to meet you Beca" Jesse said grabbing an application and pointed towards the internship building "shall we?". I looked at him and smiled before nodding "yea lets go we can fill out the applications there" he smiled and we walked towards the building. Inside we filled our applications in and handed them to the guy in the front desk, who I noticed by his name tag that his name was Dylan. He told us to go and come back tomorrow at 11 am and to make sure we are not a minute late. With that Jesse and I both walked out of the building. I caught a glimpse of Chloe and she stared right at me not so happy but then realized I was with a guy and softened her expression slightly. "Hellooooo.. Beca did you hear me?" I feel Jesse tapping my should and I turned my full attention to him. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I asked looking up at him and he smiled which surprisingly caused me to blush. What is happening to Beca the badass please don't tell me I'm turning into a softie, I'm only a softie with Chloe, I thought to myself. "Wanna go on a date tonight?" Jesse asked me slipping his hands in his pockets. "Oh... Uh look Jesse, it's my second day here and I don't want to rush into things and plus I just met you like an hour ago. Maybe some other time" I smiled and he nodded. "Well I gotta go check on my roommate... I promised to meet him in front of the treble makers or whatever. See you later Beca" he smiled and before he could say anything else he was gone.
Nobody's POV
Beca walked into her dorm to find Chloe already sitting on her bed and crossing her arms. "Well well, look who it is" Chloe said with attitude, she was still mad at Beca for being rude to Aubrey and her. "Hello to you too" Beca said with a sigh and then sat on her bed "okay before you say anything I'm sorry I got carried away maybe I was being a bitch and I'm sorry but I met this guy named Jesse Swanson and he's super cute, he asked me on a date but I said no an get this Beale I was shy! And I blushed!" Beca said smiling. Chloe's expression softened a bit, she didn't know if she was jealous or happy, but why would she be jealous she thought to herself. "Thats great Becs and wait a second.." Chloe said pausing to glare at Beca before she continued "you were shy and you blushed Beca what is happening to you" Chloe said in shock and Beca shrugged blushing again "I guess he has an effect on me" Chloe looked at Beca and frowned "you're blushing again" Chloe looked away from Beca but she didn't know why this was bugging her so much, for a second she thought maybe she had some feelings towards Beca then reminded herself both her and Beca were straight "anyways are you trying out for the Bellas I really want you too" Chloe got up and walked over to becas bed and sat beside her "pleaseeeeee" Chloe said with puppy eyes because it normally works with Beca. Beca softly bit her lip and sighed again "Chloe... Not the eyes come on" Beca whined and tried looking away but Chloe put her hand under becas chin and turned her head back to her. "Fine! I'll think about it, but that doesn't mean yes red!" Beca said sounding defeated. "Why not though" Chloe said crossing her arms over her chest "well because Chloe I can't sing" Beca stated simply and looked at the time. "I'm gonna go get us pizza it's getting late and I'm starving" Beca said getting up from the bed and heading towards the door. "Whatever" Chloe said laying on becas bed and watched her put her boots on and leave.
Sorry it took so long to update I hope you liked this chapter I decided to add POVS and I tried to make this chapter slightly longer than the others let me know what you guys think!

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