Chapter 7

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Chloe's POV
Today is Saturday and I still need to make a set list of the songs we're going to sing, it will consist of six duets and one solo for each of us. I looked over at beca, she was still sleeping even though it's 10 in the morning. "I wish you would see that Jesse doesn't deserve you" I mumbled quietly and turned back to the blank piece of paper that is supposed be our set list for tonight. I let out a frustrated groan and ran my fingers through my hair "why so mad red?" I turned to beca and sighed "sorry if I woke you I didn't mean too, and I'm not mad just frustrated" I turned back around and stared at the paper. Beca got up and walked to me, looking at the paper confused "essay or something?" She asked sitting beside me "no, set list for the gig" I took my phone out and started going through my music. "You know, I can he-" beca started but I cut her off quickly "no! I want to do it by myself" I grabbed the pencil and began picking songs.
Beca's POV
7:45 pm.
We start in 15 minutes and Chloe still isn't here, I got on stage and set up her piano and tuned my guitar. The set list Chloe made was pretty interesting, they're good songs but I think they're about this girl she likes. I still can't believe she told Aubrey who it is and not me, maybe it's Stacie... Wait no she said she has liked this person for a while but just realized now, so it has to be someone from our childhood that she still keeps in touch with. I looked up and saw Chloe run in the coffee shop, out of breath. I smiled and she walked to the stage and climbed onto it "hey midget, sorry that took so long" "it's fine chlo but we have like five minutes" I said looking over the set list.
1. Stitches
2. Trouble
3. Little talks
4. Not about angles
5. Air
6. Titanium
Of course she put Titanium in it, I smiled and blushed at the memory, I have one crazy best friend.
Beca's solo
Chloe's solo
Say something
Chloe's choices are good for most of it but she is pretty much obsessed with Shawn Mendes.
We just finished our performance and everyone loved it, once Chloe and I got off the stage we had people coming up to us, telling us that we were amazing and someone offered us to play at his bar after we're done shows here. When I got to the back of the room I saw Jesse standing there with a huge smile, shit I told him I had to cancel because I was sick. "Hey weirdo" I smiled softly at him "so, this is why you canceled, I think it's awesome" I laughed "you're such a dor-" "it's actually aca-awesome" Chloe cut me off and I shook my head.
"Do you always eavesdrop or something? Because it's kind of getting annoying" Jesse said pretty annoyed with Chloe, I shot him a warning look to not be rude to my ginger. "She's not annoying, that's just how she is she likes to know everything" I stated simply and she nodded her head "and if anyone is the annoying one its you" she added "Chloe same rules apply to you too" I said and she rolled her eyes "sorry mom" Chloe said rolling her eyes and Jesse chuckled. "I'm sorry but how am I the annoying one" "um because every time a word comes out of your mouth I want to shoot myself, like seriously no one gives a fuck about your love for movies, not even beca" Chloe said rudely and I felt my jaw drop "Chloe!" I raised my voice a little and grabbed her arm and started dragging her to the door but she pulled her arm away. "Really? If I'm annoying then I wonder what you are, you are always preppy like hello?! You don't know how to shut up" he snapped back at Chloe and I ran my fingers through my hair, sighing "your presence annoys me, and you are the ugliest person I've ever seen, I don't know what beca sees in you, you don't even deserve her, someone else does" with that Chloe walked out and I ran after her "Chloe!"
Chloe's POV
"Chloe! Chloe what the fuck!" Beca yelled out finally catching up to me out of breath. "Beca I'm not in the mood, please just leave me alone." I kept walking, avoiding eye contact with beca because there was tears threatening to spill. "Chloe wait" Beca grabbed my arm and pulled me back, but I kept my eyes on the ground "Chloe you can't just snap at him like that, I get that you don't like him, Chloe can you please look at me" I shook my head and felt a tear drop. I wiped it quickly, still keeping my eyes on the ground. Why do I have to be so fucking emotional "Chloe.. Are you crying" Beca softly put her fingers under my chin and lifted my head so I'd look at her. Because beca I like you and theirs nothing I can do about it. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks and she wiped them quickly "I'm gonna kick Jesse's ass" she said pulling me into a hug "no one hurts my red head" I smiled a bit "does that mean you won't go out with him, because if you hadn't noticed he's kind of a dick" I said and she pulled away "nope. I'm still going out with him" she looked away "um one question though" she said rubbing the back of her neck "what about the oath? And what's up?" I asked and she rolled her eyes "I don't care about the oath, Aubrey needs me more than I need her" she slipped her hands in her pockets "what did you mean by someone else deserves me?" I stopped walking, I felt my heart begin to race what if she knows I like her, game over Beale "uh I" shit "you deserve someone who will never stop loving you, who would do anything to protect you, to make you feel safe, to make sure you are always happy" I looked at her and she was just staring at me. "You deserve someone who looks at you with awe, who will never hurt you, who gives you butterflies, who makes your heart skip a beat every time they look at you. Beca you deserved to be loved, you deserve it" it was silent for a while, I kept glancing at her lips. I hope she didn't notice. "Chloe that sweet, but I haven't even been on a date with Jesse who knows, maybe he will be all those things" she said quietly and I looked at the ground "Beca?" "Yea" I went silent for a minute before continuing "does he make you feel loved? Does he make your heart race, does he make your knees feel weak?" I looked at her again and I could tell she was thinking because she makes that cute little face of hers, the one where she furrows her eyebrows and moves her mouth to one side of her face, she only does it when she's having trouble thinking or trying to make sense of things that can't make sense. "No, not yet bu-" "exactly, just think about that and tell me if you really want to go out with him" I quickly cut her off and left. I walked to Aubrey's dorm and knocked on the door, and she opened it a few moments later "oh hey Chloe, come in" she said stepping aside to let me in. I walked in and sat on the couch, burying my face in my hands. "What's wrong Chlo" I could hear the concern in her voice as she sat beside me. "I feel like complete shit" I started crying again and she pulled me into a hug. "It's okay Chloe" she rubbed my back softly while I sobbed into her shoulder "I have to watch the person I love, love someone else. It's killing me to watch her fall for him more and more every day" I cried more, Aubrey doesn't know who I'm talking about but I'm sure she will soon, wait did I just say I love beca "I know it's painful Chloe, jesses a dick but-" "wait how do you know who I'm talking about?" I asked confused but I was still crying "I see the way you look at her, heck everyone does and we're all surprised how oblivious she is" Aubrey gave me a sad smile. "You know what hurts the most? When she comes back from hanging out with him and she just talks about how much she likes him or how funny he is" I shook my head and wiped my tears, sitting up "sorry I didn't mean to spill all this on you but I don't have anyone else and you are the only one I trust" I said quietly. "It's okay, so here's what we have to do. You have to make her jealous, like really jealous and I'll talk to Stacie and maybe both of us could flirt with Jesse, like a lot and Stacie and beca are kind of close so I can get Stacie to talk to her about you but I'll make sure to tell her not to tell anyone" I looked at Aubrey, Stacie is pretty close to beca and I know she can keep secrets, plus it's a smart plan "it sounds perfect"

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