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"IT'S HIM!!" Connor roared as he paced in my living room. I had to move the coffee table because I was afraid he was going to break it. I already had a broken vase and a broken mirror.

"Connor, I didn't say that-"

"ARE YOU DEFENDING HIM!?" he screamed at me.

"OF COURSE NOT!" I yelled back at him. He blinked in surprise at my outburst. "Now, if you would let me explain, I will tell you,"

He nodded silently.

"Ok," I started. "He said that he didn't participate in the killings. He just abducted the girls and delievered them to 'the Master'."

"The Master?" he said deep in thought. I nodded and started pacing while he sat down.

What did he mean by "my challenge has been accepted", I thought in my head.

"Zugzwang!" Connor suddenly blurted, pulling me from my thoughts. I stopped and stared at him.

"What?" I asked bewieldered.

He pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture. "This is what he wrote in blood in your room!" The picture showed my white wall covered in blood and the blood that ran together but the message was still clear.

Look at the work I've done! Beautiful, isn't she?

Don't look for me. You won't find me, anyone

that gets in my way of what I want, dies.

Rayne Cooper: Zugzwang

- The Master

I stared at the message with wide eyes and took a sharp breath. I laughed humorlessly and grabbed the first thing my hand touched and chucked it across the room. I balled my fists and started to punch everything in sight. My vision filled with red and I let out an inhuman growl.

WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING? I'M NOT EVEN F***ING HUMAN!! I thought angrily. THe anger rolled off me in waves and I was well aware of the mess I made.

"Rayne?" I heard a voice squeak in the doorway.

"WHAT?!" I roared. I turned around and saw Binky in the corner of the room, flinching at the sound of my voice. My heart immediately softened and I instantly felt horrible. I ran over to him and touched his shoulder, he flinched and I let out a heart wrenching sob. I felt horrible! "I'm so sorry, Binky! I didn't mean to-"

"I know," he whispered. He avoided my eyes and looked down. His lip quivered as his hands started to shake slightly. Soon they were engulfed in flames and he just sat there. Like it was a normal occurance. I reached out to touch him slightly and he jerked away again.

"You're parents abuse you," I said in a ghost of a whisper.

His shoulders stiffened and he looked up; tears swimming in his eyes. "How do you know?" he hiccuped. I frowned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he buried his head in my neck, sobs wracking his whole body. I closed my eyes and placed a comforting kiss on his head and sent comforting thoughts to him and cooed in his ear.

After a few minutes, he stopped crying and looked up at me with puffy red eyes. "Can I take a shower?"

I nodded and smiled, "Of course. Do you want me to help you?"

He shook his head. "I think I can manage,"

I nodded and watched as he walked up the steps. I jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I relaxed when I recognized the scent. I leaned back against Connor's chest and listened to his rythmic breathing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

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