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I stomped all the way up the path and into the lighted area from where we first arrived two days ago. I stalked up the path to the cabin the read 'Newcomers' and pounded on the door. My throat was still tight and felt like it wasnt going to let loose soon. What Connor said rendered me speechless and I couldn't talk. It really hurt me to the core, I knew he hate me, and I hated him, but I wouldn't want to wish death on someone like that.

I blinked back tears as the door was swung open and the mans face contorted from irritation to worry.

"What's the matter, Honey?" he asked gesturing me in and leading me to a seat.

I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but no words came out. So, I lifted my hands: Do you know sign? I asked him with tears in my eyes.

He nodded his head and stared at me, waiting for my explination. What's wrong? he signed back.

I got into a fight, I started. It wasn't physical or anything, but someone had said something to me that really hit me to the core.

You've never cried before, have you? he asked, knowing what was going on.

I shook my head and signed, No. Not since my father-

"Shh," he spoke aloud. "Say no more."

I nodded and bowed my head to where I was staring at my lap. I could feel the hot tears falling onto my hands. I sniffled and I felt warm arms wrap around my shoulders and a something lay ontop of my head. I let out a strangled gasp as he said nothing, but whispered comforting words and trying to calm me down.

I didn't like how it had hurt me so much. I know that if anyone had said it, it would've still hurt, but coming from Connor, it felt like a low blow and a complete shot to the heart. I hated the fact that he had so much affect on me.

After a few more minutes of sobbing and sniffling, I finally cried all my tears out.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked gently sitting next to me.

I nodded, "Yes, sir. I'm sorry for coming to you like this. I didn't want to barge in, but my other friend is in his group session and I had no one else to go to-"

"Shhh... it's okay," he reassured me. "I told you that you can come to me for anything and this is anything. I'm just glad you came."

After explaining everything out loud and told him who it was, he asked me if I wanted to report him, but I told him that it was okay. I didn't want to make this more of a big deal than it really is. I'm not into all the drama and I don't need everyone hating me for something that I didn't do or have control over.

Actually, partially having something to do with it.

A realization hit me while I was standing to leave. "I never caught your name," I commented turning to face him.

"Name's Tim," he replied, giving me a shakey mock salute. I eyed his hat that said, Naval Veteran and smiled at him.

"Well, thank you, Tim," I said giving him a salute back. He nodded and laughed opening the door for me.

"Like I said, anything you need, Rayne, just ask," he said, closing the door halfway.

I nodded and said, "Yes sir."

I turned and left, looking at my watch, I saw that it was time for me to go to lunch. It was 12:30 and had a good half hour left to eat and I was starving. I didn't know that crying could take so much out of you. My stomach rumbled as I climbed the hill to the cafeteria.

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