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  "All right!" another male counslor announced loudly throughout the training gym. "The most important thing for you to know, is to how to use a weapon!

  Now. There are every type of weapon that could appeal to your liking and you can take and use which ever one you want. There is one rule, however: Don't kill each other," he warned, giving us a threatening look. "If I see you trying to hurt or point a weapon at another camper, you will report to Mr. Diaz and face expulsion from the camp. If you need any help, just ask. I will always be here," he finished sweeping around and revealing the line of weapons to our disposal.

  There were guns, bow and arrows, knives, and every other weapon you can think of. They were sleek and deadly all at the same time. Everyone was required to wear speacial earplugs that were made for us earlier today incase anyone wanted to shoot guns, we wouldn't get our eardrums blown to bits.

  I grabbed a bow and a couple of arrows and picked a lane on the far end of the training room. I was standing and doing everything that Merlin, our instructor (awesome name, I know), was telling me to. I kept hitting eight and nines, but I really wanted to hit a ten before the session is up.

  I was still jumpy and scared from the note and flower I recieved last night. Was it from the killer? How did he get into my cabin? Did anyone else see him leave? Or was it a her? Who is the killer? How did they know me? What did they want from me? All these questions were running through my head from last night and this morning. I couldn't believe I let someone slip through my hands. I couldn't believe they were also in my room. Which is really scary to think about.

  I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped ten feet in the air. I turned around and took out one of my ear plugs.

  "Somone's jumpy," Connor's deep voice rang throughout my ears.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, "What do you want Connor?"

  "Hey, it looks like you needed help, and I also love to help a damsel in distress," he smirked. I raised a questioning eyebrow and waited. "And I might've peeked into your mind a bit."

  "Really, Connor?" I growled out at him.

  He shrugged and held out his hands in surrender, "Sorry! I was curious."

  "What happened to butt the hell out?" I asked him.

  "You need help," he simply stated.

  I shook my head and laughed humorously, "I don't need anyone's help espec-"

  "Yeah yeah. Especially mine. Now, just be quiet and hand me the bow," he demanded, cutting me off.

  I hesitated, but then gave him the bow, smirking at an idea that formed in my head. Once he gripped the bow and bent down to get an arrow, I flicked my finger out just a little out of his sight and the arrow moved out of his way, and he grabbed air.

  He jumped up in surprise and his eyes flickered towards me. I just stood there with my arms crossed with an annoyed expression on my face. When he bent down to grab another arrow, I nodded my head and the arrow flew out of his hand again. He stood up and glared at me with a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.

  "Very funny, Cooper," he mocked me. "Stop it,"

  I smirked and flicked my wrist. The bow was ripped from his hands and landed a few feet away from us.

  "One condition, Kennedy," I said stepping closer to him. "Don't interrupt me,"

  "Get the bow," he growled at me, staring me straight into my eyes. I knew mine were a deep blue, almost black from the anger that was starting to bubble up in me. His eyes turned dark and his pupils dialated while he stared at me. While we kept staring each other down, I flicked my wrist and I heard the bow fly in the air. Connor caught it with his hand without taking his eyes off of me.

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