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"You're coming with me and that's final!"

"But... What about-"

"I know where you're going with this Binky, but screw your parents!" I exclaimed.

I was currently sitting on the couch with Binky while my dad was fixing lunch and Connor was at his cabin taking a shower and freshening up.

I was discussing with Binky his new living arrangements with my aunt and I since his parents were abusers and low lives. How he put up with them for so long, I didn't know. He's a strong kid and I give him props, but no child should be put through that.

"I can handle myself!" Binky protested.

"Listen," I began, "I understand that you want to be strong, but you shouldn't be going through something like this. No kid should and honestly Binky, I care a lot about you and I don't want to see you get hurt anymore. What if your parents come in drunk one night and decide to hit on you and beat you? What if you don't make it this time?!"

I truly cared for him and I really wanted him to live with us. For one my aunt wouldn't mind and she would love to have a boy around too besides Caleb.

"After the summer is over you're not getting off at your stop, but at mine and you're going to come home with me," I said sternly. "If your 'parents' have a problem with that, well, they can take it up in a court room,"

If I don't kill them first, I bitterly thought.

Binky was amazed, speechless, and tearing up slightly. I could tell he was honestly touched and happy to get out of his house. I understood that he didn't wan to burden anyone but he's like a brother to me and I take care of my family.

"I don't want to be a burden-" Binky tried to start again but I quickly stopped that.

"You're not going to be a burden and you're not going back to your home. I won't allow it," I said sternly giving him a hard look at the same time.

Looking like he had a huge weight lifted of his shoulders, he nodded and said thank you. I reached around him and pulled him in for a very tight hug. I felt tears wet my shirt and I hugged him tighter, cooing softly in his ear.

After a while, when he stopped crying, I went into the kitchen and got him a glass of water.

"I heard what you did in there," my father commented while flipping a grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

I shrugged, "He's like a little brother I never had and he doesn't deserve that."

My father smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered into my hair, planting a kiss there. My chest expanded with happiness hearing my father say that he was proud of me! I actually got to hear those words again after years of not being able to see or hear him.

I hugged him tightly back and went back into the living room taking sandwiches and Binky's glass of water.

*2 Hours Later*

"I hear there's going to be a camp letter sent out later today," Connor commented while wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him.

I laid my head against his chest and sighed, "Yeah?" So this is what contentment feels like? I could get used to this; it's so nice.

He hummed. "Diaz doesn't want anyone leaving their cabins yet for the weekend. They're going to secure the perimeter of the camp to make sure that no one gets in or out,"

I closed my eyes in relief. They were taking action and securing everyone inside of the camp. I wonder how many kids went home...

I voiced my question aloud to see if Connor knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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