Chapter 10

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After I got home, Taylor and Haley met me at the airport. I told them basically everything that happened, except the part about the pool with dalton, because I don't even know what that was.

*time skip!(: if you've read my other stories, you know I like these. Anyway, it's been about two weeks, and Taylor and I are on our way to the airport.*

"So what are we going to do this weekend?" Taylor asks, basically jumping up and down in her seat.

I think about it for a little while. "I really don't know. Last time we just went to the Hollywood sign and then the walk of fame.. But you'll prolly want to do that... But I might make you wait till your sisters here so I don't have to go again." I shrug. "But I REALLY want to go to the beach and go shopping this time. And probably the rest of the times but whatever." I look out the window just as my mom is pulling into the airport parking lot. We grab our stuff and go in, but the flight is delayed. Of course.

"What do we do for an hour?" Taylor whines. I sigh.

"Ugh. This happened last time too. I'm going to do an askbri on twitter." I tell her.

"Good plan. Do you think anyone would do an asktaylor?"

"Maybe. I'll tell them to ask you things too."

"Kay. Cool." She replies, leaning back against the chair.

We answer a ton of questions, and then they finally call our flight. We get up and head to our plane.

"I'm so excited Bri! Thank you for bringing me!" Taylor says as we sit down in our seats on the plane. "IM MEETING DANA VAUGHNS IN LIKE 4 HOURS." She basically yells. The whole plane looks at us and she slowly sinks into her chair.

I giggle. "Well that was smooth."

"I know it was. I'm proud." She says, sitting back up.

"So now, I sleep." I say, leaning back in my seat.

"I guess I'll do the same..." Taylor says, pulling out her iPod. I grab mine and put in my head phones, pressing play. Zero gravity starts playing, an I slowly drift to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the flight attendant talking over the loud speaker, telling us to sit up, buckle out safety belts, and turn off electronics. I do what they say, and poke Taylor awake. She's almost impossible to wake up.

"What?" She asks, sitting up slowly.

"Sit up, buckle, and turn off your phone and iPod." I say, nodding at the window. Taylor does it, then looks out the window.

"Oh my god, I'm in California!" She says, grinning at me.

The plane lands, and we get off. My mom Isn't here this time, so we're staying with Caroline. We go to baggage claim, grab our things, and sit at a bench. I turn my phone back on and text Caroline, telling her were here.

"So do you think the guys are going to be nice to me?" Taylor asks, looking around. She's getting kind of nervous. I can see it on her face. I smile, remembering Alex laughing at me for being nervous.

"Number one, chill. If dalton knows you're nervous, he's never going to let you forget it. Number two, they already know you.. Why would they be mean? Dana likes you already, and you know it. He's still texting you after you asked how he was last week on Skype." I tell her.

A voice next to me makes me jump. "They're nice guys. Don't worry." Caroline says, sitting next to me on the bench. "Ha! Did I scare you?" She laughs.

"A little" I say, taking a deep breath. "I almost just peed, thank you very much."

Caroline laughs. "Nice to see you again." She says, giving me a hug. "You must be Taylor. I'm Caroline." She smiles at Taylor. "Are you two ready to party this weekend?"

"Uhm, yeah!" I say, grinning at her. "Oh, by the way, my mom says thanks for letting us stay with you and, I quote, 'I'm sorry you have to deal with them.' End quote."

"Oh, it's no problem. I'm glad to have someone staying with me. My parents are visiting family in New York, so I'm alone for the weekend. Usually I would go to wills, but hey. If I can get some people at my house, that works too! And I don't mind dealing with you!"

"Fabulous." I smile. "Well, should we go see the guys now?" I ask.

"Yep, lets go!" She says, standing up. Taylor and I get up and follow her out to her car. We throw our bags in the trunk and get in the backseat. Alex is in the front again.

"Hey Alex!" I say, smiling at him.

"Hey Brianna!" He says, turning around and grinning at me. "And you have to be Taylor." He says, his eyes moving to Taylor.

"Yep. You must be Alex." She replies, smiling shyly at him.

"Are you going to be nervous like Brianna was?" He asks, noticing her shyness. "Jeez. What is with you people? They're nice guys!"

" I know, but still! I just... I don't know, leave me alone!" She says, hiding her face in her hands.

I giggle. "So do you know what I'm doing with the guys today by any chance?" I ask.

"I believe you're going to start working on vocal stuff." Caroline pops in. "The work starts this weekend."

I groan. Taylor laughs at me.

"I just get to sit around!" She rubs it in my face.

"Shut up! I'll be spending my days with the guys! You'll be alone!" I shoot back.

"I'll make new friends." She says, shrugging. "Maybe I'll go meet some 5ers. Maybe I'll hang out with Alex."

"I'm up for that." Alex agrees. "It gets kinda boring just sitting there while the guys do vocals. I mean it's cool, but if you're there all the time, it gets boring."

"Oh hey, Haley's plan will work then." I say, laughing as Taylor facepalms.

Alex looks at me, then at Taylor, waiting for an explanation. "What plan...?" He asks after neither of us explain.

"Oh, you see, Haley has Taylor's life basically planned out. Or at least husband wise. If she thinks someone is adorable, but younger than her, she says Taylor has to marry them. You're on Taylor's list of husbands." I grin.

"Oh..." He says, slightly awkwardly.

Taylor is just sitting next to me, her face bright red. "I have no say in my list of husbands. Don't think I'm a creep. It's my sister that's a creep."

Alex laughs. "It's all good. A bit weird, but what ever."

We talk for a while, until we get to XIX. "Here we are." I tell Taylor, gesturing to the building. Caroline stops the car, and we get out. I'm wearing dark wash capris with a galaxy tank top that has the Tardis on it. Taylor is wearing knee length dark shorts with a tan shirt that has a pink lace back.

"You ready to meet the guys?" I ask. She grins.

"You ready to work?" She asks back.

I roll my eyes. She laughs at me, and we head into the building.

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