Chapter 4

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*time skip! It's been two weeks, and I'm flying out to California TODAY. I've talked to the guys everyday for the past two weeks, and were pretty good friends by now. Haley and Taylor met them. Well, they talked to them. They can't fly out this weekend to meet them in person, but they're coming next time.*

"Moooooooom!" I whine, sitting in a very uncomfortable airport chair. "Mom, I'm bored."

My mom turns to me with an irritated glance. "Brianna. The plane leaves in about 45 minutes. You had better suck it up, because I refuse to sit and listen to you whine for that long."


"BRIANNA." My mom says really loud. Everyone around us looks at us. I let out a huff of air, cross my arms across my chest, and lean back against the chair. "But I'm-"

"Brianna, I swear, if you say you're bored one more time, I will take away dr who." Mom threatens. I love dr who. She always threatens to take away my DVD sets...

I frown. "You wouldn't." I say, staring at her.

"Oh, I think we both know I would."

Great. "Ughhhhh." I groan, looking at the ceiling. "Fine. I'm going to go for a walk or something." I say, getting up and walking to the gift shop. You know you're in Wisconsin when it sells cheese.

I spend about 15 minutes in the giftshop before going back by my mom. I pull out my iPod and go on twitter.

I type a tweet:

Well westies, I'm stuck in an airport for another half an hour before I board the plane... #askbri!

Within a few seconds, I have a ton of mentions(I have about 10,000 followers). I start to answer questions, and I'm finally not bored. After about 35 minutes, they call out for my flight on the loud speaker. My mom and I get on our plane, and wait for a while until we finally lift off.

I fall asleep on the flight, and wake up to my mom poking me.

After about an hour, were in the crowded LAX airport, waiting for someone to come pick us up. Eben told us he'd send someone to get us, depending on who was free. After about 10 minutes of waiting, I feel someone tap my arm. It's a little girl, probably about 9.

"Hi.. Are you Brianna?" She asks shyly.

I smile at her. "Yeah, I am."

"I love your songs... Can I please get a picture with you?"

"Sure sweetie." I smile, smiling at the camera her mom is holding. "What's your name?"

"Jaclyn." She says. "You're really pretty."

I laugh. "Thanks Jaclyn."

"Jackie, we have to go. Come on." Her mom says, gesturing towards the parking lot.

"Okay,. Bye Brianna!" She says, running off towards her mom.

I smile and turn back to my mom, who is smiling at me. We wait for about 5 more minutes, and I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Caroline, wills cousin.

"Hey, Brianna right?" She asks, holding out her hand.

"Yep. Caroline?" I ask, shaking her hand and smiling at her.

She grins. "You bet. So, I am going to be your chauffeur for the day, and well be dropping your stuff off at the hotel before going to the studio. The guys are there now." She pauses as her phone goes off and she checks it. She rolls her eyes as she starts to talk again. "They're waiting impatiently for you to get there, so we should probably get going. Caroline, by the way." She says, turning to my mom.

My mom smiles. "Jeanette. Nice to meet you."

We grab our bags, and start to follow her.

"So, you're from Wisconsin, right?" She asks as we walk into the warm California sun.

"You bet. This place is a lot crazier then home..." I say, looking around, noticing all the traffic and what not.

"Have you ever been cow tipping?" She asks excitedly.

I roll my eyes. Typical thought about people from Wisconsin.

"I actually haven't. But hey, it was on my bucket list for this summer... You can do it with me if you want! I know some cows I could tip."

Caroline grins. "Hell yeah! I'm in. Is it even possible? To tip a cow?"

I think for a couple seconds. "You know.. I'm really not sure. Let me ask. My friend lives on a farm." I mutter, pulling out my phone. Haley's friend, and locker neighbor(which is how I know him), Nate is a weird guy, but he knows his cow facts. He is the real version of a stereotypical Wisconsinite.

Brianna: hey. Is it actually possible to tip a cow?

A couple seconds later, I get a reply.


Brianna: my bad.... Jeez!

I look at Caroline. "Well, it's not possible. Nathan just about ripped my head off because I asked."

"Dang." She mutters.

I laugh. "Don't worry. We can go do other Wisconsin things if you want."

She finally stops at a blue car. "I might have to take you up on that. I've never been to Wisconsin."

"You're not missing much..." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Nothing interesting ever happens where I live."

She laughs and gets in her car. Mom takes the front seat, so I'm stuck in the back. But I'm not alone.

There's an Asian kid sitting in the back. It's not will; it's his little brother,

"Hey." He says, flashing a quick smile in my direction.

"Hey. Brianna. Alex right?" I ask as I put on my seat belt.

"Mhmm. Nice to meet you."

"Back at ya." I lean back against the seat and look out the window, watching as the scenery goes past. Suddenly, it hits me; I'm actually meeting IM5. I get really nervous real fast, and it must be pretty obvious.

I hear a chuckle from next to me. I look over and see Alex laughing at me. "Look. Don't be nervous. Dalton will never let you forget that. They're all pretty nice guys."

I give him a half smile. "Yeah, but you've known them for how long? I've only talked to them for like, 2 weeks."

He shrugs. "They all like you. They won't be jerks."

"Well, you try meeting your favorite band, knowing that you'll be opening for them on tour, and trying not to be nervous. It's not easy!"

"They're not like a normal band though. They're normal guys. I've never met a celebrity who acts like they do."

I think about it for a couple seconds. "I guess.... But still."

"Whatever. Like I said, just don't let dalton know you're nervous. He will bring it up any chance he gets."

I smile at him. "Thanks for the heads up."

He smiles back. "No problem."

At this time, we are just getting to the hotel.

"Welp. Here's your hotel. Alex and I can wait here while you go check in and drop off your bags, or we can go do something while you get your stuff organized and what not." Caroline says, turning to look at me. My mom shrugs, basically letting me choose.

"Uhm... Lets just drop our stuff off and go to the studio. I wanna meet the guys." I say, looking at the hotel. It's pretty big.

"Sounds good." She says, opening the trunk for my mom and I.

In about 20 minutes, were walking back to the car.

"Ready to go?" Caroline smiles at me and my mom as we get back in the car.

"You bet I am," I smile back.

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