Chapter 14

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Since I can't back up any further, I'm just stuck watching Dalton move closer. Suddenly, instead of what I was expecting, I get a face full of water. I sputter, and look just in time to Dalton disappear under the water.
"DAMN IT DALTON GET BACK HERE." I yell, looking for where he'd come up.
Everyone else turns to look at me, because they hadn't seen what just happened. Taylor raises an eyebrow, but shakes her head quickly. She knows that it's better to just watch my reaction than ask what's happening.
After a few seconds, Dalton pops up from beneath the water, and looks around. Before he can get away, I jump on him. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs Around his torso. "Why are you so mean to me?" I whine jokingly.
"Don't know." He smirks back. "Felt like the right thing to do. Plus it's fun to pick on you." He says, winking.
"WELL STOP IT." I yell, slapping the top of his head. I let go of him completely and swim back to the rest of the group, who're still staring at us.
"Well okay then." Taylor says, looking between me and Dalton. "Back to what I was doing before." She mutters as she splashes Dana again. The splash war starts again, and this time Dalton doesn't push me against the side.
After a few hours of hanging out in the pool, we end up in Gabe's room, just hanging out. I'm sitting on a couch by Dalton and Will, but closer to Dalton. After a little while, he does that cheesy "yawn then put your arm around her shoulder" move to me, and I raise an eyebrow at him. He laughs and says "it's more comfortable. I don't like sitting with my arms crushed against my sides."
"Gotcha..." I say, nodding slowly. "So what's happening tomorrow? More vocals?" I ask.
"Hm... Not sure actually. Either vocals or maybe a bit of wardrobe. Eben might make you pick your opening songs. What are you thinking about doing?"
I think for a little bit, because I honestly don't know. "Uhm.... Maybe some Demi Lovato? I might see if I can do some panic at the disco... I really have no idea.."
"Well I'm sure you'll sound amazing no matter what you do." He grins at me.
I smile shyly, and look at the clock. "What time do we need to be at the studio tomorrow?" I ask.
"9 I think." Dalton replies.
I stand up, motioning for Taylor to do the same. It's already midnight, so we should probably get back to Caroline's. "Well, I should probably go get some sleep, because you don't want to see me if I'm really tired. Anyone want to drive me and Taylor back to Caroline's?" I ask, looking around at the guys. Dalton of course agrees, and he drives us back. We spend the ride singing to the random songs on Dalton's iPod.
When we get there, Taylor and I head inside, waving goodbye to Dalton.
When were inside, Taylor looks at me. "You liiiiiike him!" She sings.
I groan. "No I don't, kid. Go away!" I say, turning and falling face first on Caroline's couch.
She laughs and walks away.
I just lay there and think. Do I actually like him? Does he like me?
So here's my SUPER short chapter. Hopefully I'll start writing some more again soon, but I hope this makes up for the slow update! (I know it doesn't. So sorry!)
Sorry again, and thank y'all for waiting for the update. You're amazing!!(: I love you guys!
-HaleyMarie, xoxo

Say It: An IM5 Fanfic: Dalton RapattoniWhere stories live. Discover now