Chapter 2

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When I wake up the next morning, I'm pretty sure it was all a dream. I groan and roll over. It's only 6:00. EW.

I crawl out of bed and get ready. I take a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast. I put on my make up, and then walk to school. I get into the building and realize I never texted Taylor or Haley. Haley is Taylor's older sister. She's a pretty close friend of mine too.

I walk onto the building and search for Taylor.

As I spot her, I run over and basically tackle her. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD TAYLOR GUESS WHAT." I scream, earning a lot of looks from the other students around us. Not that I care.

"For the love of shit, WHAT?" Taylor asks, looking back at me slightly irritated.

"You, my friend, are looking at the opening act for the IM5 summer tour!" I say proudly.

Taylor's mouth drops. "Are you for real?"

"Yup!" I smile, popping the "p."

"Holy god, BRIANNA THAT'S AMAZING!" She gives me a huge hug and starts jumping up and down. "Wait. WHY AM I JUST NOW HEARING ABOUT THIS INSTEAD OF LAST NIGHT?"

"Well." I say, pulling away. "I was a tad over whelmed because after they announced it, I got to talk to he guys for like, 2 hours. Apparently, dalton didnt like me as much as he liked some other girl. But luckily, the other guys liked me!" I grin. "And where's your sister? I have to tell her too."

"How would I know where she is?" Taylor asks, looking around. "Maybe her locker?"

"Kay." I say, grabbing Taylor's arm and pulling her after me. Taylor's 15, and she's a sophomore like me. Haley's a junior, but she's 16 like I am. Our birthdays just fall at weird times. Taylor's really young for our grade. She could have been a freshman this year, but her parents decided to have her be young for her grade rather than old for the grade below us.

Anyway, we walk around the building until we get to Haley's locker, where she's talking to her friends.

"HALEY!" I yell, getting her attention and the attention of all her friends.

"What?" She asks, looking at me with a confused look.

"Guess what I did last night." I smile proudly.

She takes a couple seconds to think, then she realizes what last night was. "Oh my god." She says, her eyes getting really big. "You're lying. You did not."

"Oh, but I did! I'm actually talking to the guys tonight, so...." I grin, causing her to look at me jealously.

"I swear to god, you try to go after will, I'm throwing you off a bridge." Haley threatens. I roll my eyes.

"Why would I go after him?"

"Because he's damn near perfection, that's why." She says matter of factly.

I roll my eyes again. "Nah. Im going to stick with cole."

"Are you guys talking about IM5?" Haley's friend, maddie asks.

"Yep." I reply, popping the p.

One of her other friends, kim, looks at me with a confused look. "What do you mean you get to talk to them?"

"Exactly that. I'm going to talk to them tonight. Skype. We have more details to get figured out."

"You mean you legit get to talk to them? No way!" Joanna, another of Haley's friends asks.

"Yup. Forrizzle." I say, grinning. I open my mouth to tell Haley more about it, but first bell rings. "I'll text you." I tell her as she walks away to choir.

"Kay." She calls back over her shoulder.

I adjust my black Green Day shirt and start walking to English. Barf.

"West! Take off your hat!" The crazy vice principal barks at me as I walk past. I roll my eyes, but do what he says.

"Sorry Mr. T." I say sweetly. As soon as I'm out of that hall, I put back on my black beanie and go into class.

I spend most of the hour texting Taylor and Haley, fangirling over last night. Mr. King doesn't really care what we do. He usually just gives us worksheets or makes us read from our books and take notes.

I go through the first half of my day doing basically just that. My morning classes are super boring and I don't have any of them with Taylor or Haley. After lunch, however, I have 3 of my 4 classes with Taylor, one of which is also with Haley. I eat lunch, then go to my last lonely class. When that's done, I go to my fitness class, which is my class with both Haley and Taylor. In our gym class, we mostly do yoga, work out videos, and a couple games. I walk to the locker room and change quickly before going to the old gym. Taylor and Haley are waiting by the door. As we walk to our normal spots for work out videos, I feel my phone vibrate. (We can go on our phones while we wait for everyone.) I look at it and freak out.

"What the hell?" Taylor asks, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Look who the last message is!" I squeal. I hand her my phone and her eyes get really big.

"Who's it from?" Haley asks after no one tells her what's happening. I hand her my phone and she reads the screen out loud. "New text from Cole Pendery. Dang! You go girl, you get your man!" She jokes, quoting my favorite movies.

I grab my phone back and read the message.

Cole-hey Brianna!(:

Brianna- hey! This is cole right?

Cole-haha yeah. It is. How's it going?

Brianna- okay. Just wanted to be sure I didn't put the wrong name with the wrong number! Lol. And good.. Gym class! You?

At that time, Mrs. Johnson, the teacher, walks in. "Phones away, get a mat, yoga today!" She tells the class, turning on the tv and VCR. I put my phone over by my shoes and grab a yoga mat. We go though the class, Haley, Taylor and I talking pretty much the entire time.

After class, we finish our conversation and change. I check my phone... Another message from cole!

Cole-is that a good or bad thing? I'm pretty good. In the studio with the guys.

Brianna-it's a good thing. I have it with Haley and Taylor. So it's pretty fun!(: and sounds better than school.

I put my phone back in my pocket and walk with Taylor to our choir class.

Say It: An IM5 Fanfic: Dalton RapattoniWhere stories live. Discover now