The Beginning of the End

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Mia Bella,
Been gone to Hamptons due to some emergency. I'll be back soon, I promise. Wait for me.
- Callum

Andrea Macie Quinn thought that maybe...just maybe; they already made a progress with their relationship.

But it seemed that the elusive Callum Drew Reifsnyder was still keeping her in the dark from something...something very important that he was keen on deserting her behind in Versailles during the holidays when she needed him the most, leaving only a single note.

Well, that said a lot about his confidence on her.

Andrea was worried.

But she was aghast.

Puffing out strangled breaths as emotions from the past started choking her; she decided then and there that she needed a clean slate with life.

Even if it meant cowardice...even if it meant betrayal, Andrea packed her bags and opted to went back home in Manhattan. There were some things that needed straightening out and she dillydallied enough already. She wasn't going to sit around, mope, and wait if Callum was really going to come back as he declared.

She pledged to herself, and she promised Callum to give them a chance but they had enough individual issues to sort out it seemed.

There were lots of things between them that needed explanations. Callum's elucidation about his sudden disappearances....and what really happened to Andrea that one night which changed everything.

She was still hurting and so was he. And neither would recover if their sore past keeps haunting them.

It seemed that their road map to recuperation was a long shot from now.

And so with a heavy burdened heart, Andrea chose to close the door to her past and walked away.

She ran away, again.

And later did Andrea know that she and Callum were just running in circles. They were bound to meet at some point as tangent line was already drawn by fate in their sphere.

One can never just walk away from the past without it catching up with the present.


Niceya's note:

Dear readers, this is going to be the full story of Andrea and Callum. Consider ANDY'S PLAN as the prequel and to those of you who have had the glimpse of CALLUM'S PLAN before I've put it on shelve, consider it as a window to know more about the male protagonist.

I am on the process of mapping out and plotting out the whole story and when I feel that I already establish a substantial storyline, I am going to upload and publish the chapters.

I am going to try to write this as a stand-alone book as I could...but no promises though.


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