Chapter 7

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Callum looked hard with widened eyes at the special but fragile woman in front of him like he couldn't believe he was finally seeing her.

She appeared like a dream to him.

They were back in the confines of his penthouse suite, sitting comfortably besides each other on that white settee by the living room after they finished their late lunch. The room seemed spacious and brighter than what it looked like this morning or that was just his imagination as he sensed nothing of Andrea's indifference and angst from earlier. This time, Callum decided, that they were going to talk things between them and he swore to himself that he wouldn't let the ever-frustrating Andrea run away again from their conversation. They had much to discuss between them and he would be a fool not to grab this particular situation wherein her countenance seemed open to him.

And she is really beautiful, Callum admitted to himself. Glancing at Andrea sitting besides him, even in her sweatpants and t-shirt now, devoid of any make-up, she still managed to capture his attention and made him feel like a highschooler who's on his first date. His heart pounding on his chest as all his senses focused on her.

Her question earlier still lingering on his mind and Callum has never been so sure of his answer to her that time.

No, he shook his head; he would never get tired with her.

And he vowed to himself that they were going to make it through whatever this storm that was wrecking havoc in their lives at the present. He had to be patient with her. He owed it that much to the memories they already shared.

"How did you find me?"

Callum was whisked out of his reverie and brought his eyes back to her. He angled his body towards her while his focus trained on her features as he thought how best to answer her, but he decided to be truthful to her in the end.

If there's one thing he knew about Andrea Macie, it was that she hated being lied to. Andrea was worth the truth.

But as the thought occurred to Callum, he iced up for a moment. His body tensing as he realized that there were a lot of things he hadn't confided with her yet. The skeletons rotting in his closet he was still dealing with and embarrassed to talk about it.

Would Andrea still accept him after everything?

He caught up the awaiting expression of Andrea, and then remembered that he was yet to answer her pertinent question. He took in a deep breath and hoped to Dio that he would not chase her away with what he was going to confess.

"I had you followed."


Andrea said it nonchalantly like she kind of expected his response and Callum had to do a double-take at her. He released a lungful of air he didn't know he was holding, so she isn't angry at me?

" sounded creepy but kind of expected especially when Matthew sort of told me about it yesterday."

Callum's brows rutted, damn Matthew for having a loose tongue. What else did that man disclosed to her?

He wasn't fuming because Matthew told her, he was pissed that Andrea had to know it first from other person and not from him personally.

"Aren't you mad at me for having you followed?"

Andrea peeked at him from looking outside the beautiful sky in front of them through the sturdy glass walls. She had put her knees up together near her chest, her mesmerizing eyes blinking at him for a moment.

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