Chapter 11

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"Callum, I am scared...but I want to. I want it so much."

Andrea's heartfelt confession knocked the air out Callum's lungs. And yeah, he wanted it so much also.

He watched in fascination as well as with trepidation the varied storm of emotions portrayed by her expressive brown orbs. He heard the eyes are windows to the human soul and that was exactly what he was witnessing at the moment. There she was his bella, the strong but delicate donna who changed his life in a way he couldn't fathom, staring plainly right at him.

He was captivated.

And that's the least he could put words into what he was really feeling at the moment.

How could such ordinary act be so powerful? He could feel it, the pull she held on him just by looking at those eyes. Andrea was this current-carrying body that magnetized him even the first time he saw her. He felt her, that's why he had courage himself to approach her that one fateful night in Central Park.

She was stunned and scared about them.

He knew exactly how she felt.

He didn't plan for her – for everything that existed between them – however, the events that happened converged into this spectacular yet simple night of her just being in his arms. How many times had he imagined for this to happen? Too many it seemed as she was his only lifeline not to drown with the grief and disappointments that stained his life the past months.

And he had yet to tell her everything.

"I am scared too." Callum admitted, gathering her tightly in his arms. He felt bold instead of vulnerable. His blatant admission made him felt like the heavy burden hanging by his shoulders being lifted.

The silent white-coloured walls of his room were merely witnesses to this new improvement in his relationship with the only woman who drove him crazy already. He tightened his hold on her, afraid that she would slip out of his arms even if he just simply blink and it all turn out to be just one of his hopeless dreams.

His past was a whirlwind of disasters, one that would make even the strongest man crumpled down in heaps. And Callum was really scared that Andrea would finally see that she was better off without him. He would tell her his past but he didn't want to spoil their time now. His confession could wait. For now, he would savour this particularly beautiful moment between them.

"...but I want you too," he continued in earnest, bringing her at arm's length as he stared at her, imploring her with his own eyes, reflecting what she just said to him.

It was the truth. Callum wanted her so much that he didn't think of giving her up even when she practically ran away from him, even if he was convinced that Andrea would find happiness without him. But he couldn't just resist her...he tried. Dio, he tried staying away from her but he just couldn't do it anymore. She meant so much to him and he himself couldn't explain it. It was like she was supposed to be in his life no matter what happens.

He wanted to say to her how much she meant to him but he held himself. She wasn't ready for it, he could sense her reservations. He could wait. "Why don't we take this one step at a time?"

Andrea gazed at him, eyes brimming. "I like that," her voice shaky but softened with relief.

He released his hands on her waist and cupped her face, thumbing away the warm tears on each of her cheeks. "We will do this the right way this time, okay?"

She scrunched up her reddened nose as she sniffed and Callum thought it was adorable as he grinned at her. She grinned back tearfully as she nodded.

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