Chapter 8

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Regrets had been haunting Andrea for so long now. It was exhausting and totally waste of time like what her dearest mother told her.

Sighing loudly as the calming fluid of contentment was starting to seep through her entirety, Andrea decided that no more regrets. She had had enough pain to last a lifetime and too much tears had been shed already. She stretched the corner of her mouth, an awkward smile at first seeing as she just sobbed embarrassingly in Callum’s arms. She tightened her hugged on him as she took in a deep fortifying breath making her constricted chest expand. She finally felt lighter especially when she realized how safe she was in his arms.

Today, Andrea decided to not run anymore from him. Although it would make her vulnerable again, the consequences of the opposite action would bring regrets to her and she knew it perfectly.

No regrets...

Those were familiar words to her but she didn’t dwell on the memories of Sis. Sarah. She accepted already what happened to her months ago and made peace with it. But she and Callum, they have a long way to go.

She didn’t dare break the silence that settled amid them. It was a welcome lull and nothing seemed more music to her ears than hearing Callum’s heart beating loudly against his chest. His loud intakes and exhales of breathe which she could felt by the contracting then constricting of his lungs was rocking her to calmness.

But she was attuned also to Callum’s features.  She could feel him tensing and relaxing but Andrea was lost in the euphoria of finally letting go to give it more thought. She took in a lungful of air through her nose and exhaled them thru her mouth. The motion, soothing her senses as she made up her mind to tackle everything one day at a time.

“I’m sorry, I am such a cry baby,” Andrea voiced out as she laid her head across his hard wide chest. Her nose tickled by that familiar smell of him, manly and earthy with whisk of novelty.

“Hmmm,” was Callum’s only reply as she felt him placed his chin on top of her head, his strong hand making calming patterns as he stroked her back; the warmth of his palm trickling through her shirt, sending heat through her body.

She could stay like this forever.

She wiggled searching a comfortable position but Callum’s groaned response made her halt. She glanced at his edgy face as she felt his hand on her waist tightened telling her not to move and everything clicked in her muddled brain. She blinked at him a few times. Her mouth formed an audible ‘O’ upon understanding.

Awareness made Andrea sucked in a breath when she finally realized their compromising position – Callum leaning back on the couch, her straddling him with her knees framing his wide muscular thighs as her soft breasts plastered tightly against his hard chest. Oh jeez!

She felt the rush of blood on her cheeks and prayed that Callum wasn’t that much aware of their predicament but that was wishful thinking when she felt his hardness beneath her buttocks. Heat pooled on her womb; mortification flooring her as she still wasn’t past the embarrassment of crying in a row under Callum’s presence. Goodness!

In the madness of the events happening all at once to Andrea in a span of minutes and hours, a throaty chuckle escaped from her lips. Apprehension and astonishment from earlier debacle seeing that one man who reminded her of the old wounds, melancholy and grief from the memento of what she lost, recognition of the regrets and mistakes she had make and realization of the depth of her feelings for Callum. His sincere face apologizing at her earlier and seeing the underneath fear on his feature like he was afraid of losing her clutched Andrea’s heart knowing that if she let herself fall freely for him, he was there at the bottom to catch her. And the lost time between them finally broke Andrea’s control that she sobbed frenziedly. How uneasy Callum might have been? Goodness, I need to control myself!

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