Chapter 9

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     The dinner was perfect – more than what Callum imagined it could be.

Yesterday, he thought he would be dragging a kicking Andrea to dine with him and forced her to endure his boring self as they barely made it through the awkward meal – that was, if he could really compel her to do his bidding. He was sure Andrea would curse him to the pit of hell and tell him to get lost. But all those downbeat thoughts shattered, outlining a memory they would cherish forever.

Andrea was a sweetheart.

He didn’t really know what made her turn a one-eighty but Callum was grateful for her change of heart in favour for him.

Earlier, he was berating himself to take it easy on her, to give her some space even if what he really wanted to do was collect her on his arms and never let go. It was the gentlemanly thing to do but merda, he wasted enough time already and he deserved happiness, right? She’s the only shot he had, the truth he realized after that devastating night that changed everything.

He needed and wanted Andrea for freaking sake but his dread of overwhelming her made him teetering on the cautious side. They were still walking on eggshells it seemed.

Then she made it easy for him as she chose to stay and spend days with him. Andrea seemed like finally giving him another chance.

He would vow to make the best out of it.

Clad in peach-coloured mini dress with a sweetheart neckline and skirt flaring down her hips that accentuated Andrea’s curves in the right places, Callum could barely kept his eyes off of her. He was cursing himself everytime his sinful eyes darted to the decent amount of cleavage she was showing.

He really wanted to be on his best behaviour tonight but Andrea was making it hard for him as along the way, he needed to loosen up his dark tie to prevent himself from suffocating. They ended up cancelling their dinner reservation in one of the prestigious restaurant around the town. Neither wanted to make the stretched trip outside but what they ended up with had been more than what they bargained for.

The top-floor bar and restaurant of The Reifsnyder Hotel was wonderful and perfect for them. It gave them privacy and the amazing view of the bay along with the blinking city lights under the cloudless sky with stars twinkling blissfully.

“This is beautiful!” Andrea gasped, looking awed at the ambiance of the place; her chocolate brown eyes glinting in glee. And he felt heart-warming from that single gesture.

Beautiful...his thoughts exactly, but Callum wasn’t looking somewhere other than the stunning woman who graced him with her presence.

“You are not afraid of heights, right?” Callum needed to make sure as he guided her to a booth on the corner, along the sturdy floor-to-ceiling glass wall that gave them the unobstructed view of the city and the bay.

“Nope,” Andrea confirmed, shaking her head.

A maître d' assisting them placed polished cards of carte du jour for the night on the table along with their glasses of water.

“Thank you,” Andrea acknowledged, Callum watching her as she picked up the cards and browse the menu.

Callum looked at the list as well. “No seafood, right?” He remembered perfectly the first time they dined in Cielo.

He wondered if she remembered as well. By the thoughtful looked that crossed on her delicate features, Callum was sure Andrea had retained that particular moment of their first date. She gave him a dazzling smile which he returned. Callum couldn’t remember the last time he smiled a lot the past three months. Then an idea occurred to him. He just hoped he was doing the right thing.

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