Chapter 12

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It was everything Andrea never imagined it could be.

"Are you okay?"

She should be the one asking him that very question. But as Callum held her eyes with what she could only imagined the apprehension of hers reflected on him, her throat closed up and she could only nod. She saw him letting out a long suffering sigh as his large hand clasped her own with enough pressure. A shadow crossed his features but Andrea held herself from blurting out her curious questions.

As the private plane they boarded, dived from the pitch black sky towards the airstrip in Hamptons, any amity she felt plummeted down also. And like the plane, with rows of steering lights as its guide during the dark pre-dawn which helped made their landing in the tarmac safely, Andrea knew that she needed to grasp Callum's hand tightly and stayed true to the amount of trust he asked from her.

What could she do?

Andrea was unceremoniously whisked away from her peaceful sleep and woke up to a scene that almost became her nightmare. Goodness, she was floating in her dreams before she slept that night for crying out loud!

Her stomach coiled with uneasiness.

She had just this ominous feeling that whatever was waiting for them, it would surely change the dynamics between them. Andrea just hoped it was for the best.

She was so scared earlier. Her fears materializing in front of her as she couldn't help but let go as he saw Callum left her at his bedroom with nothing but his empty promise to call her to explain later. She didn't know to believe him, because the truth of the matter was; he still had to explain his previous disappearances to her. That particular situation just evaded her mind because of the grief she felt for the loss of their baby.

Now, it seemed like it came back with a vengeance as she felt her body trembled with suspicions. There's a tingling feeling at the back of her mind that was telling her to be cautious. She gulped down the anxiety bubbling up her throat.

Why did she feel like their dreaded past was catching up with them already?

They could never escape their past, could they?

As she witnessed Callum earlier that night walked out the door, Andrea felt like her heart was being crushed hard until no blood circulated in her system. She could actually felt her heart stopped beating, the pounding in her ears were deafening. It was very painful and frightening as she was helpless to do anything but weep to her reality that convoluted into one epic nightmare. Her chest tightened. She had no illusion of time and place at that moment, only aware of the very pain that suffocated her and her vision clouded with tears for the very man who uplifted her before and now the sole reason why she was breaking down. And her reaction alone was scary.

How could one man do that to her? How a person could affect her so much so that she felt like dying at the thought of him leaving her? Andrea shivered with fear. This was not good. Her flight mechanism was telling her to run away – to preserve herself from the inevitable pain.

"We are here already," Callum's voice clipped, distracted Andrea from her reverie. She wasn't aware he was talking to his phone until he hung up and shoved the device inside the pocket of his sweater.

Andrea blinked back to the present as Callum draped a black coat on her shoulders.

"I keep a pair of suits in the plane, just in case," he explained as he helped her placed her arms inside the sleeves. The coat swallowed Andrea's feature, making her felt small and vulnerable. "You look cold," Callum continued as he buttoned down the jacket before running his hands on her arms. The unexpected gesture warmed her.

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