Chapter 10

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“Oh, bugger!”

The warm sprays of water cascading from her frizzy hair to her toes weren’t much of a relief for Andrea. They were supposed to relax her tight-coiled muscles that were making her breathes harder than usual but so far, no luck for her tonight.

Maybe, she should be taking a cold one, but who in their ever lovely sane minds take that one when the atmosphere at night was already chilly? She couldn’t have her limbs shivering. Or was she the only one having that kind of take on things like cold shower at night?

She inhaled deeply then let the air out noisily through her mouth; maybe she should have instead a warm bath with lighted lavender-scented candle by the counter.

She heaved a sigh; normally a warm shower was enough to soothe her stiff muscles but again what happened earlier in the night wasn’t part of her normal routine for the past months.

Andrea could still feel the remnants of the wanting heat coursing through her veins from that intimate contact with Callum earlier. His hard strong body against her soft one, the taught muscles of his broad shoulders as he carried her like she weigh nothing at all. She was tempted to squeeze his biceps but that would just be too embarrassing – maybe next time. Well, she did indulge herself in atleast running her palm on the edge of his raven hair that ended before his nape, feeling its softness for a while until she realized what she was doing.

She chuckled, remembering how flustering it was when she practically sniffed him with his familiar fresh woodsy scent that enticed her senses like that tempting black forest cake with delectable cherry on top. Yum! In short she was hungry for him.

In short she wanted him.

And in short she needed him!

She missed him in an encompassing manner that surpassed the very reasons of her being to stay away from him.

“What should I do?” Andrea was crazy if she really considered the opulent white tiled walls of the bathroom would answer her dilemma but she needed to let it out. What should she really do with Callum and her feelings for him? Should she just go with the flow of things?

The great amount of emotions she was suppressing flooded her mind and body’s awareness upon realizing the effect Callum still held on her. Goodness gracious! She couldn’t escape him in any sense and what was the use of avoiding his rapt advances and charms that were making her hot all over when they could both benefit from the releases of couplings?

Jeez, couplings? She didn’t just say that. If it isn’t the 14th century and her primly self was coming out. Gosh!

She shook her wet hair, trying not to feel more mortifying about herself and tried relaxing the taut knots she felt inside. Her fingers were itching to touch him, to feel those heated skin, to familiarize herself once more of his body. Darn and it seemed that the warm water flowing against her skin was an aphrodisiac, heating her frazzled hormones up, making her more aware of the fact that Callum was just across from her room and she could very well throw caution to the wind and let her hair down as they say. Her newly stimulated mind prodded by her raging desire was running a mile just thinking of the different possibilities she could do to him.

A breathless groan escaped her lips. Goodness, she needed a good scrubbing with not just her betraying body but what became of her mudded brain also.   

She had read once the benefits of love making but...

Dammit! Nope, don’t go there.

But she wasn’t confident about it...

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