Taehee's POV
I sat in front of Jimin awkwardly, I would keep moving my legs making friction between my legs and skirt, which also caused a very irritating sound.
I was trying to teach him how to do his calculus homework along with Taehyung who bailed on us at the last minute.
Jimin stayed absolutely quiet, he was too busy scratching his head and giving out small groans of confusion. I watched as he ran his hand through his soft blue hair and lick his lips, wetting it completely.
So I tried making conversation. "So did you tell Jinae how the date went?"
I cursed silently to myself as that was the first thing to fall out if my mouth. There was something going on between the two and I had no intention of finding out what it was. Although I was quite curious if their history.
I wasn't stupid I speculated that Jinae was Jimin's ex girlfriend that he had once mentioned to me.
It wasn't hard to figure out.
The two seemed to be like the perfect couple.
My heart squeezed again as my stomach churned, thinking about Jimin holding her hand and leaning on her shoulder to sleep.
"Yeah I did. She was proud of me that I actually went on a proper date. Now that I think about it, she said another odd thing." I nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "She admitted that she thought I was going to ask her to the date." He chuckled.
I stayed quiet, Jinae was a queenka but she seemed like she was the nicest one. She never once even insulted me.
"Taehee I don't get this part." He informed me, pointing to one of the questions on the paper. I took it out of his hands and began explaining the question.
By the time I was done explaining I remembered that I has to go meet Hoseok.
"Hey Oppa I got to go. But I promise that I'll help you when I get home tonight so head back with Jungkook. He's in the music room with Minji." I said, picking up my backpack and slinging it behind my back.
Jimin grabbed my hand and pouted, "Don't go."
I pulled my hand back and gave a small smile, "I'm be back by 8."
He looked down and pouted, "okay I'll be back by 7." He shook his head, "I need someone to Tudor me."
Someone threw a crumbled up piece of paper, I turned over and saw Solbi. "Yah just let her go. I'll tutor you." Jimin scrunched his nose up in annoyance.
I thought the two of them got along. I must've guessed wrong.
I ruffled his Jimin's hair and gave Solbi a soft smile.
"Bye Jimin Oppa, Solbi."
__________________________________"That's all that happened?" Hoseok asked, biting off some more of his churro. I nodded and handed him a tissue to wipe his mouth that was covered with cinnamon sugar.
We decided to skip shopping and just head to lunch. Today we decided to hang out because he thought we should catch up on each other's lives. He was especially enthusiastic to talk about my date with Jimin last week. I told him most of the details but didn't go into too much depth.
Hoseok sighed, "I thought he would've done something more." He muttered under his breath and secretly took one of my churros.
I hit his hand simultaneously, "yah haven't you eaten like 14 churros already?" He pouted and nodded shamelessly.

Fanfictionin which a girl falls for her brother's best friend. #everyonewatchestoomanykdramas