I dug through the large piles of various shaped boxes. Valentine's Day was both one of the worst and best days for us idols; thousands of chocolates from homemade to expensive. But of course we couldn't eat too that many despite wanting to, we had a strict diet to uphold.
So here I was, digging through the massive pile of chocolate boxes to find the one I liked the best. Sighing, I was about to give up.
Most of these boxes looked way too suspicious, I'm pretty sure one of them were a bright yellow and giving off a horrendous smell. God knows what they're made of and I'm certainly not going to take the chance of finding out myself.
I groaned and went to my room quickly to pick out a shirt to wear for tomorrow. An idol must always be prepared.
Despite being only rookies who just debuted, we had fans already; our fan base wasn't too large, actually to it was nothing compared to most of our sunbae's fandom.
Pulling on a new shirt, I noticed a medium sized box on V's dresser. It was neatly decorated with a thin blue ribbon and a small card. The box gave off a faint but delicious scent.
I looked around the room for V and carefully brought the delicate box into my hands when the coast was clear. I peeked at the card first.
Hey Taehyung, Haven't seen you in a while! Congratulations on your debut, but I still haven't seen your music video (⌒-⌒; ) but you know I still love you...right? Anyways here I made these for you!
- come home soon, Taehee
Taehee? Who's Taehee?
I placed the note back on the dresser and opened the box up. My eyes began sparkling and my mouth salivating from the sight of the chocolates.
Without hesitation, I unwrapped a piece of chocolate and threw it into my mouth.
"OI! WHO ATE MY CHOCOLATES ON MY DRESSER!?" V's loud roar echoed through the dorm.
I sat lazily on the couch, still tasting the delectable taste of the chocolates lay in my tongue. I ended up eating the whole box of chcoclate. I usually wasn't too fond of salted caramel chocolates but this time I wasn't sure, there was something sweet about it.
The dorm was now filled with the loud sound of stomping and yelling to find the culprit who ate V's chocolate.
"Jin hyung did you eat it?" V asked, grabbing the collar of Jin.
Jin twitched his eyebrow as he falsely smiled, letting off a deadly aura despite the smile on his face. V backed away quickly and went onto the next culprit who was Suga and sadly V ended up cuddling with the floor while holding the most sensitive part of his whole body.
I saluted the pitiful boy but didn't regret eating the chocolate for a second.
"Hey V why were those chocolates so important to you?"
"My sister. My sister made them for me."
I laid back and shut my eyes.
Sister huh?
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Author's Note
Since I made one for My Little Secret I thought why the hell not? Happy Valentine's Day!
Forgot to mention this earlier but this chapter is base on before Taehee and Jimin met, so that explains why Jimin doesn't know her. The same goes for My Little Secret, that was also before all that Yeri shit.