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Skylar's P.O.V
I clutch my phone in my hand and diall Lukes number, I press the phone to my ear and hope he answers."Hello?" He said, I smiled and sighed in relief."Luke, i'm so sorry! I lost track of time." I say hoping he won't ask why,"Its okay, just come by my place." He replied, all of a sudden a loud crashing sound came from behind. I spun around and laughed out loud, Harry was sprawled out on a trash can blushing."What the hell was that?" Like shouted into the phone, I covered my mouth trying to muffle my laughter as Harry groaned."Just Harry, he ran into a trash can." I say laughing into the phone,"Harry? As in Harry Styles?" Luke said laughing over the phone,"Yep." I said looking the p,"Hurry, take a picture!" He said, I quickly clicked the camera app and snapped a phone of Harry on the trash can."Done, see you in a few!" I said while laughing, I hung up and ran to Harry."You okay?" I asked while poking him,"No." He groaned and slowly got up, I was laughing so hard tears were streaming down my face."I'm so glad my pain brings you joy." Harry said sarcastically,"Sorry, its just to funny not to laugh." I say in between breaths,"Can you at least help me to my dorm?" He asked while rubbing his back,"No can do, like I said. I have plans." I say happily and give him a quick hug,"Please?" He said looking into my eyes, I gulp and run away before I give in. Once I make it to Lukes he's already outside waiting for me, once he spots me he smiles and gets up."Hey." He said giving me a hug, I smile and hug him back."Can I see the picture?" He said with a cute grin on his face, I chuckle and show him the picture."Oh my god, this is so good! I can't wait to send it to everyone!" He said laughing, my smile drops off my face as I pull my phone back."Luke, you can't show this to everyone! It'll run his 'bad boy' image." I said making air quotes while saying bad boy, he laughs and shakes his head."I don't care, he's an asshole anyways." He said smiling,"Uh, okay? I'm not feeling so good at the moment, I think I'll just go back to my dorm." I say and walk away,"Wait, Skylar!" Luke said and touched my arm, I shook off his hand and kept walking. Why was I so offended when he called Harry an asshole? By the time I make it back to the dorm Tricia and Rachel are gone, I let out a breath and walk over to my bed. I pull out my sketch pad and begin to draw whatever was on my mind, once I was finished drawing I realized I drew Harry. Oh crap, I quickly snap my sketch book shut and throw it under the bed. I stand up and rake my hand through my long blonde hair, why do I have to like him? My thoughts were interrupted by Rachel entering the room,"Hey, you okay?" She asks, I nod my head and bit my lip. I shake my head and walk over to her,"How do you know if you like someone?" I asked and plopped down on the couch,"Why?" She asked with a smirk,"Uh, no reason." I say hoping to sound casual, but by her expression I failed missribly. She's so going to kill me once she finds out I like her brother..

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