Chapter 13

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I changed it so Jess was 17 and Sky is 14.Nico is 16.

Jess's POV

 I said goodbye to Percy,and Annabeth and Nico and I went back to my camp.I went strait to Olivia.She was the main builder when we went on scouting missions.I told her about camp and the forest we were soon to call our home.I told her what I needed her to do and told her the location in a flash she was gone to find the other builders.I smiled.Knowing my new camp was in good hands.I rushed around telling everyone of the new camp.The kits seemed excited.The carriers,not so much.(The carriers are the pregnant nekos) When I was done I went to the kill pile.I sat and chatted with some of the older nekos,knowing of the great story's they told.We laughed together, and respected each other,because even as a kit,they knew I would become leader one day. I heard an unfamiliar laugh,and saw Nico sitting next to me.The elder continued.When she rambled on I leaned over and said to Nico."You have a good laugh,you should use it more often."He looked at me and smiled,as much as a cat could smile.He scooted closer and we entwined our tails as we listened to the elder tell her stories.

Sky's POV

 I watched my mother and Nico entwine tails and cuddle up to each other as listened to the elders.I thought they looked cute together,her pure white mixing with his pure black perfectly.I didn't know what would happen,but the future looked bright.I sighed,then winced.After the chimera attack,I could barely move without the pain filling my rib cage.Jace came and sat down next to me."What you looking at?"He asked.I nodded towards Jess and Nico."Don't you think they look cute together?"I asked.He looked at them and nodded."Not as cute as you though."He said.I blushed.He began to lick the top of my head and I purred.We curled together and I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

==Three days later==

Jess's POV

I was so happy,Nico and I had started dating.Olivia had just told me the houses were ready.They were a light yellow color and blended with the trees.There was a kit center,an elder's hut,And an individual house for each Neko and their mate.There was even a large hut for Nico and I.I turned to Nico."Are you ready?"I asked.He nodded.I sounded the call and ran toward Camp half-blood.

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