Library Incident

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Laura: You have a lot of explaining to do, Chari. A whole lot. 

Me: I know... T^T I'm so sorry!! I was suffering from severe writer's block and now I'm finally back! The stupid block isn't as bad as before, expect a few updates now and then! ^w^

Laura: Heard that, guys! She's back! Chari does not own One Piece, only her plot bunny and her OCs!


Shachi had left to get themselves some ice coffee cans from the vending machines near the cafeteria in the campus and once again Law was left to himself. He had long since finished the book, Shachi had been fretting about and this was probably the third time he's reading it again, he should admit the book was fun. The sound of high school kids screaming and shouting filled his ears, it seems as though one class has its PE period at the moment and his eyes widened as he saw a certain person give a perfect soccer kick to ball and it went whistling into the net past the goalie. Law rested his chin on his palm, elbow propped up on the table and stared out of the window, watching her; it was a tad bit creepy, but our Law wouldn't want to admit that now would he? Though, the object of his creepy staring didn't seem to mind, in fact she even waved at him.

"What are you looking at?" drifted in Shachi's voice having returned from his journey to the vending machines. Law didn't look back at him but nodded towards the small soccer field in which the kids were playing on. Shachi let out a small laugh and took his earlier seat next to him and kept the second coffee on the table by Law's hand before breaking his and taking a few sips.

"Soccer was how we became friends, right?" Shachi asked, with a grin. "Some guys were bullying Penguin and I because we saved a kitten and you knocked them straight out with just a soccer ball."

Law smirked; he definitely remembered that and it felt real damn good! "Yeah, I do remember that, the both of you were like little puppies then."

"But now, we've grown!" Shachi announced, proudly.

"I'd say you've become little kittens, now." Law kept on smirking at him.

"Hey! We certainly, are not kittens! If we are kittens then, you're the tabby cat!" Shachi said, pointing an accusing finger at Law, who gave him a grin.

"I'm fine with that." He laughed.

Shachi pouted. "Oi, that's not fair, Law-san! Feel insulted!"

"I'm going to pretend that I did not hear that, Shachi-ya."

"Please feel insulted."



The both of them stared at each other before, breaking out into laughter, though it was mostly Shachi laughing nonstop and Law giggling. Their laughter ceased and they fell into a comfortable silence, while watching the high school kids play their game of soccer with their coach giving them tips on how to make their game plans better. Though, Law's eyes were trained on only one particular person and she was the person that would shoot amazing goals much to her classmates distaste. Law certainly loved that grin that would adjourn her face each time she scored a goal, it made Law feel a wide array of emotions but there was one he would never miss. He was protective of that certain smile and he would do anything to keep it on her face, just like he would do anything to see it. She was definitely a butterfly, who would look strong and proud but was actually delicate and easily hurt, just like his sister.

"So, who's she?" came Penguin's voice from near his ear. Law jumped a little and turned to face his other friend who gave him a cheeky grin.

"Just someone I found interesting." Law answered, which was only half a lie, he knew exactly who she was he just didn't need to tell Shachi and Penguin that. If he did tell them, then they'd freak out quite a bit, his friends were like that. The two cousins gave each other knowing looks and both their grins turned cheeky, which made Law sigh at them, fondly; how much ever he would tell them they would never change and that's why they were his friends.

Laura realized that she might need to borrow a few books from the University library if she was going to do a good history project and because she just couldn't be bothered browsing the internet, she found books to be a more fun. Robin-sensei was quite particular about her projects and only the best get the good marks, though, thank the gods it was not a group project because the last time she was part of a group she almost died from their constant complaining. She jogged to the library that had its entrance near the sidewalk on which Laura walks to go back home, she silently apologized to Arthur for being a bit late and went inside.

The library Laura was in was much smaller than the one that was at the heart of the Campus inside its main building, according to the Librarian and that was the one that was reserved for its students. This library was the one which was open to public, it was a modest one with quite a lot of useful books and even though it was public it was still used mostly by the University students and some students from the high school, which Laura was part of. Laura found the fiction side the most interesting because it was filled with a wide array of books, unlike her school's library which had quite a lot of sappy teen romances which cliché plots that made Laura want to gag and this library had manga.

"Good afternoon, Laura-chan. What brings you here?" the Librarian asked, with a bright smile which Laura happily returned. She dropped her backpack off near the door in the places where you had to keep them before entering and went to the Librarian's table.

"Good afternoon, I just need to borrow a few books for a history project on Egyptian Mythology." Laura explained.

"Oh, that would be the history section, just a few places down the corridor to your left." The librarian said her smile even brighter, happy that there were still a few people in this world that happened to prefer books over the internet.

Laura nodded and made her way to the shelves that had the books on Egyptian Mythology, she skimmed through the titles of the books that were within her reach but turns out most of the books were on the top three shelves, which Laura couldn't reach. For what was probably the umpteenth time, Laura cursed her short stature and the shelves seemed to mock her shortness, which was annoying. There weren't any stools that she could stand on and so she eyed the tiny ledge, she could climb on to get the book she wanted. Praying to every god in existence that the shelf wouldn't topple, she stood on it and began to reach but still she couldn't reach it properly, her fingertips were touching the book but she just couldn't get it.

Suddenly, an arm was around her waist and she was lifted up, like she weighed nothing. Laura had to clamp her hands around her mouth to stop herself from screaming out loud inside a library of all places. She could feel the stranger's warm breath against her back and that made her want to shiver but she held that action back.

"You look like you could use a little help with that, love."


Shachi: This story is very confusing.

Me: Don't make me spoil stuff, Shachi! Go away! 

Shachi: No, you can't make me! *sticks tongue out*

Me: *menacing aura* Did you just insult me? *proceeds to chase Shachi around the room*

Penguin: *sweat drop* Why is this such a daily happening in this place? Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter!  

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