You remind me of a Butterfly

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Me: ^w^ OMG!! ALL THE LOVELY COMMENTS!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I won't keep you from this new chapter any longer! All of you! *points to the characters* Shut up for now! I'M SO INSPIRED RIGHT NOW!!! 

Law: *sweat drop* Yeah, she's burning with the fires of inspiration...

Laura: CHARI! I AM JOINING YOU! *both burn with inspiration*

Penguin: I guess it's up to me to the disclaimers. Chari does not own One Piece, only her OCs! Enjoy the chapter, lovely readers! 

Me: Wait, I was supposed to do that!


It was the early evening when they decided to return to the house and the sun had already begun to set in the horizon, the view of it was quite spectacular from the balcony and Laura had the great urge to sketch it but sadly, she had forgotten to bring her material with her. The blond girl silently berated herself for that, had she been so distracted by her apparent stalker and her guilty fantasies of Law in beach shorts that she had forgotten her hobby? And from where in the world did that last one come from, since when did Laura Ackerman, the anti-social and slightly asexual British teenager have fantasies of sexy shirtless dudes (again!?)?

"Laura-ya, we're sort of out of milk because Shachi decided to drink it all to prove to Penguin he can do it, for some strange reason." Law said, appearing out of nowhere onto the balcony to stand beside Laura.

"Oh, if I'm going to make macaroni and cheese for the lot of you, I'm going to need milk." She said, Laura had agreed to prepare dinner so they could enjoy Laura's cooking, like they had promised that fine summer's day. They had all been peckish for macaroni and cheese, so Laura decided to make them that the way the English do, there is no anime reference there Laura's cooking is good even though she is from England.

"Mind accompanying me to village to go get some?" Law asked with a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"They have mini-marts in Yomiyama?" Laura asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How small did you think it was, Laura-ya?" Law asked and it was his turn to raise his eyebrow at her, smirking when he saw an extremely light pink dust Laura's cheeks.

"Never mind, I'm up for exploring, Law-san. Let's go."

With that and a lot of warnings from Law to the cousins about staying alone, Law and Laura decided to walk to the village since it wasn't that far. Laura wondered why Law had gone through so much trouble to make sure Shachi and Penguin don't get into too much trouble, it wasn't like they were kids or anything.

"I know what you're thinking about. The last time I had left them in there, they had gotten into a fight which had escalated into a war and I walked in on Penguin chasing Shachi with my machete." Law explained.

Laura sweat dropped. "I don't know what to be surprised at, Penguin deciding to try and kill his cousin or the fact that you own a machete."

"It isn't exactly my own, Laura-ya. My late foster father was a bit of an eccentric man, he had all sorts of weapons around his house and one of his favorites was the machete, so when he died I kept it with me." Law explained.

"I'm sorry." Laura said, feeling sorry for Law that he had to lose his parents as well as his foster father, it took a long time for Laura to get over her parents' death, she couldn't imagine what it might be like to lose family like Law did.

"Don't apologize, love. It's all in the past." He smiled, making Laura blush when he referred to her as 'love'.

They got to the mini-mart and Laura picked out a few cartons of milk, while Law picked up a few extras like a bottle of soda and other stuff. While he was paying for it at the cashier, Laura decided to stay out while he came and she spotted the oddest thing, there were men on the other side of the sidewalk there were two men looking straight at Law. There were dressed in full black, that looked quite uncomfortable considering Japan's summer heat and they were staring very intently at Law. Their gazes met Laura's and the curious green gaze turned into an intense stare that spoke volumes and Law arrived adding his stare into the stare down. The men noticed Law and when they saw the angry look on his face along with the fact that he put an arm around Laura protectively, they smirked before turning and walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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