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Me: Shit's about to go down! *singing* It's going down for real!!

Law: Shut up, Chari. You can't sing.

Me: Fuck you, Law! Just do the disclaimers... please. 

Law: That was smart, i'll give you that. Chari does not own One Piece. Enjoy


It has been around a week since Laura's encounter with Trafalgar Law and they would talk to each other now and then, when they have the time. Laura also noticed that Surgeon of Death hadn't visited her in a while, not that she missed him or anything! Well, maybe she did miss him a little bit; his gentle hugs, his strange sense of dark humor, the unusual nickname of Butterfly. Laura liked that nickname, it somehow made her feel a little special because each and every butterfly that exists has something special to show and that was why Laura felt special. It was around 11pm, that night and Laura was quite bored of doing algebra, something she hated quite a bit, Arthur was of no help either because the lazy cat was on the verge of knocking out. Laura was in the middle of a yawn, when she felt someone's presence in her house and it not feel like Surgeon of Death's presence.

Laura's grabbed a cricket bat from her closet and raised it above her head, before tiptoeing discreetly to where she was hearing scuffling noises like someone was hurriedly stuffing things into a bag. Laura peered into the living room to find a man, probably in his late twenties or early thirties, looking at Laura's belongings and stuffing anything valuable into his satchel. The blonde haired girl growled, shushing Arthur who began to do the same as well, as soon as his back was turned, Laura quickly tiptoed towards the man and swung the bat with practiced force. He fell onto the ground in a crumpled heap, unconscious and some sadistic part of Laura admired her work with a smirk, the stupid burglar had it coming, no one messes with Laura's apartment.

All of a sudden, Arthur began to meow in worry and Laura felt a knife of pain stab through her neck and the pain spread out through her body like fire. Her mind shut down at the worst possible time and the bat slipped out of her hand before she collapsed on to the ground as well. Arthur meowed in anxiety and poked Laura who did not wake up, he turned to the second burglar in absolute scorn and flung at his face claws out. He clawed at his face with all his might, feeling some satisfaction when bloodied claw marks where left on his face and he was swung across the room into a wall by the man, Arthur mewled in pain before falling down to the floor.

"This is why, he's an idiot. Knocked out by a fourteen year old with a bat and a girl at that, ooh, she's a bit of a pretty one too, even though she's young." The burglar noticed with a smirk. "I think, I'll keep her as my little personal toy, it'll be fun."

Somewhere in her subconscious Laura was struggling to wake up but her body just wouldn't listen to her, she was alone in a room with two men, who knows what could happen? Though, how much ever she tried the pain was too much and her mind would always shut down.

"Oh, so cute, I could just do things to her now." The man laughed, a lewd and lustful expression adjourning his face.

"And what sort of things might that be, Sir?" a new voice asked. The burglar whirled around to find a young man, some years younger than himself and his unconscious partner, seated on one of the sofa chairs, comforting the girl's tiny calico cat. There was a hood over his face and the burglar couldn't see what he looked like properly.

"What? Who the hell are you? If you're after her too, just so you know I got to her first." The burglar said, to the man. He set the cat down on the sofa beside him gently and it stared at him gratefully, the man smiled but then that smile dropped. Before the man knew it, he was fixed with a grey gaze so intense that he thought he might literally turn to dust underneath it, there was nothing but pure, raw anger in his eyes and so much bloodlust that it was borderline insane. If there was one thing the man was sure about, he needed to get away from this kid as fast as possible, somehow or the other he had to get away. That calm and cold exterior, terrified him till no end, if he didn't get away, he might end up losing his goddamned life, even though he hasn't done anything productive with it, he just didn't want to throw it away and give it to some grim reaper kid.

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