The Bedtime Story

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Me: You know, I think you guys may have figured half of the things I'm trying to hide and after this story, you'll probably find out almost everything. This story is so back and forth but I still like it!

Laura: And you make me the most oblivious person on earth. 

Me: All in the name of writing! Do the disclaimers, Laura!

Laura: *sighs* Chari does not own One Piece.

Me: Whoo!


"Having trouble sleeping, Butterfly?" said a familiar voice in her ear one night, when Laura was sitting in her pitch black room, unable to get a wink of sleep, even if her eyes had adjusted to darkness she still wasn't able to see. The familiar fabric wasn't over her eyes, which mean that Surgeon of Death hadn't blindfolded her like he always did, when he visited her.

"You haven't blindfolded me." She commented and she heard a chuckle from beside her. Laura was able to make out the vague form of a man but see couldn't see anything other than that.

"It's pitch black in here, there's no need to blindfold you." Surgeon of Death answered.

"Oh, but I can see you, Surgeon of Death."

"Really now? Tell me, what does this pretty face look like?"


"You aren't Arthur, sweetheart, you can't see in the dark."

"I hate it, when you're right."

He chuckled again and pulled Laura into a playful hug, launching them into a goodhearted tickle fest that Laura ultimately lost, her secret weakness being tickles. Arthur gave an annoyed meow at their suppressed laughter, not being able to get his beauty sleep, a handsome British cat needs his beauty sleep right? Surgeon of Death and Laura apologized to the irritable cat, Laura then heard soft purring coming from her cat, which meant that he had gone back to sleep.

"I have an idea," Surgeon of Death suddenly said "How about a story to help you go to sleep?"

"I'm not a 4 year old, you know?" Laura said with a small sweat drop at her friend's idea.

"Well, do you have a better idea, Laura?"

"Fine, let's hear your tale then." And so Surgeon of Death began...

There was once a little boy who was as happy as he can be. He was surrounded by a loving mother and father, who taught him everything they knew about medicine and an adorable little sister, who he loved more than the world. They were a rich family, the boy's mother and father were very well known surgeons, so it just came naturally.

"Does this boy have a name? Give him a name, it would be easier to relate then."

"Okay, let's call him Traffy, then."

"You suck at making names, Surgeon of Death."

"Listen to the story, Laura!"

Traffy was happy, he was a normal boy, living a perfectly normal life until he turned up. He was nothing but a monster who wanted nothing but the family fortune that Traffy's parents had worked so hard to earn. However, Traffy's parents refused and the tragedy happened one evening when Traffy was coming home from school. The mansion door was wide open and Traffy knew that something wasn't right, he pushed it open, walking inside cautiously, slowly calling for his mother, father and Lami, his sister. He tiptoed to the kitchen, peeking in gingerly to see if his family was there but he saw only corpses and smelt only the distinct smell of blood and murder. Traffy's family was dead.

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