Trafalgar Law

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Me: And so Laura finally meets the legal Law! Get it? No, okay.

Laura: That was terrible, Chari!

Law: Very terrible, indeed. 

Me: *sobbing* DON'T RUB IT IN!! Heartless monsters... 

Laura: Hey, Chari, you do know that we were joking right? Don't take it too seriously. *pats on back in comfort*

Law: Chari was terrible at jokes anyways. 

Me: *sits in corner with depressing aura* I don't own One Piece...

Laura: Law, don't be so mean. Please, apologize.

Law: No. 


Laura grabbed the book as fast as she could like her life depended on it and the stranger put her down soon afterwards much to her relief; her face was burning as she thanked the stranger. Her helper happened to be a university student who just happened to be among the 'hot' male population; he gave her a dazzling smirk-smile that made Laura want to just stare at him with an open mouth. Though, that would not be very appropriate in these circumstances, now would it?

"I could have gotten it on my own, you know. I almost had it." Laura told him, a small part of her thought her pride had been hurt, because of the fact that she had to get help. Her helper raised one of his very elegant eyebrows at her and grinned.

"You would have lost your footing and fallen with the entire bookshelf following you if I hadn't found you in time. That would not have been a very pretty sight now would it?" he asked and Laura had to agree that he may have just saved her life, so she just scratched her cheek in embarrassment. Her helper held out his hand, Laura noticed DEATH tattooed on his fingers but sadly for Laura her forgetfulness decided to act up again. She knew she had seen those tattoos, twice in fact but she just couldn't put her finger around where and who.

"Trafalgar Law." He said and Laura shook his hand.

"Laura Ackerman or vice versa for you, I'm from England." Laura explained. "Say have we met anywhere before?"

If Laura would have observed Trafalgar Law more closely than she had been doing, she would have noticed his eyes widen a little before flashing back to his earlier face. However, Laura had never been an extremely suspicious person to outsmart, someone who has been putting up poker faces almost all his life.

"I don't think so, this is the first time I've met you." Law answered, with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry, you just felt kinda familiar, that's why." Laura said, wishing she had Arthur by her side, her cat had quite the good memory and most of the time was able to tell who the person was even if, Laura wasn't able to. Law wasn't just familiar, he was extremely familiar, the first person that came into Laura's mind was Surgeon of Death but that was quite farfetched and she couldn't just go assuming that some random dude was the Surgeon of Death without any proper proof.

"In the middle of a history project are you?" he asked. Laura was snapped out of her thoughts and she nodded to him, he smiled at her.

"Mind if I help you out, I have nothing to do at the moment anyways."

"Oh, that'd be great! I need to find information on Egyptian Mythology."

Laura observed Law a little bit more to see if she could remember why he looked so familiar. He was extremely handsome, Laura could give him that; disheveled raven hair, piercing grey eyes and sharp features. He had a small goatee on his chin and side burns, he wore a black V neck hoodie, denim jeans with spots on them and there were dog tags around his neck as well. Even after observing so much and Law almost catching her staring, Laura couldn't find anything that would unclog her memory; she hated how she tends to forget the faces of people. She probably gets it from her late mother, who seemed to have the same problem and Laura remembered how she and her dad used to laugh at her for her slip ups and that brought pleasant memories that made her quite sad.

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