Come Along, Laura-chan!

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Me: SUMMER!! Happy Summer to all you people living in countries away from the equator. For me, its summer all year around except for the rainy season, where it rains. 

Law & Laura: *deadpan* No shit. 

Me: So mean!! I don't own One Piece! 


It was the first day of summer vacation and Laura couldn't be much happier getting away from her school filled with pompous bitches and bastards for 3 months. They were all going on about how they were going to go the beach and how boys were going to ogle at them in their skimpy bikinis; Laura had to endure this for an entire week before yesterday. Laura hadn't been to the beach in a very long time but she didn't exactly mind, not everyone can get what they wanted right? She was just content with sitting in her living room playing video games on the console that her cousin gave for her 13th birthday. However, she decided she should give her console a breather, after she had murdered a lot of people while playing Far Cry 4.

"I'm bored, Arthur. Come on, give me ideas." She told her cat, who stared at her with an impassive face, like the stubborn British cat he is. Laura sighed before, straightening up on her sofa when she got an idea. "I'll go visit, Law-san. I'm sure he won't mind, I'll make him some rice balls as well."

Laura dressed up in a pair of beach shorts she had and a sleeveless t-shirt along with Arthur atop her head, before starting her trek to the mansion that took up the entirety of the next block. The massive house didn't have much of a front yard but Shachi and Penguin had told her that the back yard was pretty impressive and Laura remembered that there was a garage that had Law's expensive cars parked in front of it.

It was quite warm that day and most people were out in their gardens enjoying water or inside with their fans or AC on full. Laura expected Law to be inside is house, studying because that's what Shachi and Penguin said he does most of time, it made Laura happy to bring him something while he was being the anti-social idiot he is. Though, Laura shouldn't be talking she's might be more anti-social than Law is, but it wasn't her fault that the people in her school weren't relatable. The front 'wall' of the manor was a steel fence with a small hedge behind it, there was a full view of the front yard and Laura saw that both cars were there which meant he was at home. This one thing Laura didn't see until she was right in front of it, hoping to confirm that both cars were there, Laura walked towards to the gate before deciding to call Law and tell him she's outside.

Law, however was already outside, his fringe swept back with a bobby pin, the garden hose was running and his cars were wet and one was lathered with soap. Laura's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of him, she almost dropped the box of rice balls too, if Arthur hadn't woken her up for a split second. Her friend was completely shirtless, Laura's face began to heat up like a furnace; he only wore a pair of denims while he stretched out his hand spraying water on his Ferrari and himself. Laura's first instinct was to hide behind a bush, which happened to the hedge closest to the unsuspecting Law.

"Fuck, he's hot." Laura gulped, peering over the top with Arthur watching as well looking quite impressed. Water ran down his well-toned chest that had the intricate black lines of a tribal tattoo which was shaped like a heart, there was an interesting looking smiley on his back and many more, Laura felt faint. Who the hell was this guy, Kami!? For someone that looked a tad bit skinny on the outside, Law just took everyone by storm; Laura really should say something, she felt like she was being really creepy but at that moment she did not trust her mouth. Arthur gave a quiet meow and ruffled the leaves of the hedge and even through the noise that the summer insects in the trees were giving, Law's hawk hearing heard him. Laura panicked and bent down low, hiding with Arthur clutched close to her, so he wouldn't run off; her face could be used to melt diamond. Laura couldn't hear anything other than the sound of the summer insects, so she decided to take a peek only to be met with the very amused face of her friend.

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