"That's when I pass out."

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Dylan's pov

"My mom... died... a few months ago..." Alexa cringed.

I did too as I said, "And... I was there when it happened."

Sara turned to me. "W-what?"

"Ahm, we... we can talk about this at home okay?" I start, "Alexa, You'll need to come with us if we're going to explain everything... if it's okay?" I ended, sounding more like a question.

It took a second for her to actually answer. "U-uhm, yeah... sure."

I took out my phone to call mom.

She picked up on the third ring.

Angelina: "Hi honey, is everything okay?"

Dylan: "Uhm, y-yeah, I was calling to ask if Sara and I could stay home today."

I paused quickly to think up of an excuse.

"She's not feeling well and I want to stay home to take care of her. You know, since you and dad won't be home for the rest of the week." I said, crossing my fingers that she didn't notice the pause.

Angelina: "Oh, of course! Tell Sara I said hi and that I hope she gets better soon!"

Dylan: "Okay, thanks mom. I love you." I sighed internally in relief.

Angelina: "I love you too honey, I'll see you on Sunday."

I hang up and mumble angrily "Yeah I'll see you in a whole fucking week."

I clear my throat and say a little louder, "Uhm, Mom said we can stay home. Alexa... You comin'?"

She looks up from her lap, she has been staring at her hands the entire time I was on the phone.

"Yeah... yeah..."

I take out my key and unlock the door.

We all walk to the couch in the living room.

"Umm... so does anyone want a drink...?" I ask hesitantly, scratching the back of my neck.

Sara shook her head the same time Alexa said, "Can I have a beer?"

Alarmed I quickly say, "Uh, Alexa why don't you come to the kitchen with me."

She just gets up and slowly follows me.

In silence, we walk to the kitchen.

Alexa's phone rings before I can say anything and she answers after quickly looking at the caller ID.

"What?" She says curt.

There was a short pause where I heard a deep voice yelling but I couldn't make out what he said.

"I'm at Sara and Dylan's house." She said while looking at me in horror.

I put on a puzzled and concerned look and mouth "what's wrong?"

She puts up her index finger as if to say hold on and says frantically "NO! No, no, no! Please don't come here, I'll be right home! Just please don't come!"

She looks absolutely terrified! Who is she talking to? Her dad? Her boyfriend? Does she even have a boyfriend? Stop! Stay on track! Is someone threatening her? What the hell is going on!?

I million questions run through my head as I watch her panicking.

"O-Okay, I'll be right home. I promise." She stuttered quickly then hung up.

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