Whoopdidoo! Everyone should be awake by now!

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Sorry it took so long! I was busy with school. Its more of a filler chapter so sorry if it's boring! Anyway, enjoy!
"So, umm... Mom, Dad, I wanted to ask you something.... something very important to me and Alexa."

"Go on, sweetie." My adoptive mother smiles warmly at me.

"Umm... can... Alexa move in?"

There was a long pause,

and a longer pause,

and an even longer pause.

"Sara, could I speak to you in the kitchen please?" Angelina says with a tight smile.

Uh oh...

I follow her to the kitchen after she got up from her seat.

She looked at the ground, one hand on her hip and her hair covering her face.

She takes a deep breath and looks up at me, still in the same pose.

"What is going on with Alexa?" She starts quietly,

"Why does she have to move in? Doesn't she have parents?" Angelina bombarded me with questions.

"Alexa has a... rough life... her mother died a few months ago and... ever since... her dad would... beat her. He was recently put in jail." I spit the words out of my dry mouth.

"Oh, Sara! I didn't know! I-"

I cut her off, "I know, it's okay. But please, please let her stay!"

"Her brother, Devin, now has custody of her and he wants to move but both her and I don't want her to leave!"

"Uhhh... we'll have to talk about this with her brother. Since he is the one with custody of her."

"Lets go now!" I blurt quickly.

"O- Yeah, ok. Lets go at four in the morning! Whoopdidoo! Everyone should be awake by now!" She half yelled at me, exaggerating most of her words.

I put my hands up, "Whoa, chill! Sorry, I wasn't thinking!"

She rubbed her temples with one hand and put her other on her hip.

"Sorry, I just get crabby when I don't get enough sleep."

I nod my head, "Noted."

This is going to be a loooonngg day...

I couldn't fall back asleep.

Neither could Alexa.

Or mom.

Or dad.

Or even Dylan, who I didn't notice we woke up until an hour ago when he stumbled out of his room in his half asleep state to get a drink of water.

We all just couldn't sleep.

Alexa and Dylan are in the corner of the living room, having a heated discussion on what she was going to do.

Mom and dad are in another corner, sipping on coffee.

And I'm in a third corner, just... sitting here...

"It's ten! Can we go now?" I blurt. I'm doing that a lot lately...

My mom rolled her eyes and gets up, walking towards the kitchen.

"Just let me have one more coffee and then we will go."


After waiting for what seems like forever but was really only about ten minutes, we get ready to go to Alexa's house.

Once we arrive, Alexa emediently opens the door and calls out to Devin.

"Alexa? Where were you!? I woke up, expecting you to be on the couch watching tv or something and you're gone! You scared the crap out of me!"

Alexa just stood there, taking in everything he says.

Once he's done she simply says, "I'm sorry."

Devin rolls his eyes at that and turns to me and my family.

"Hey, sorry about that! It's nice to meet you! What a surprise!"

I cut right to the chase, "Yeah, hey Devin, nice to see you again, can Alexa move in with me?"

"W-WHAT?" Devin sputtered out.

"What she meant was, we would like to have a talk about Alexa's household issues." My adoptive mother corrects me.

"Uhmm... yeah... make yourself at home." Devin said slowly, gesturing towards to couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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