Almost Useful Chapter

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You might be wondering why I so rudely cut myself off in the last chapter. Well, I only did it because the story was getting boring and I haven't done a cliffhanger in a while so...

Oh, don't give me that look. You should be used to it by now. Ok? What? Fine. I'll apologize to myself for rudely interrupting me. Excuse me for a second.

I'm sorry, me, I shouldn't have interrupted myself.

Don't worry, me, it's all good.

Thank you, me. :)

*awkward self-hugging*

Ok, now that that's over with I need to write something useful here, or we'll have another Completely Useless Chapter, and we already had one of those. So what should I write about? Hmm.





Ok, fine, stop with the look! How about we write a nickname for Super Dr. Bob PhD, Colon? He says his name in full for the rest of the story and if I type it out every time my fingers will get sore. You don't want that, do you? Do you???

So let's just call him Bob. It's much shorter and simpler. So, yay for Bob and yay for Almost Useful Chapters.

The end.

Of the chapter.

Not the book.

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