Chapter 15

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"You can not do this, Loki! It is madness!" I shout all Loki while he gazes towards the bifrost.

"This is the only way." He glances at the bridge noticing the warriors three and Sif riding towards the bifrost. "I knew they would betray us."

He turns around and storms away, most likely to Heimdall to stop them. Or if he is too late he'll force Heimdall to keep it closed.

"Loki! Please!" I try grab his hand but my fingers only graze his knuckles.

I stare off at Loki as he walks away from me. There's no way of knowing what will happen but whatever happens I promise to fix this broken man.

"I could have done it, father! For you! For all of us."

"No, Loki."

My pace quickens as I pant around the halls of the castle awaiting Loki's arrival. He's only told me part of his plan but not all of it. I was beginning to worry if he would succeed or not. I hear a shout from Odin's sleeping chamber and my heart beguns to race. Almost beating out of my chest.

"Frigga!" I barge into the half empty room and see a frost giant standing over the Allfather.

"Sigyn. Don't move." Frigga pulls me to her and hugs me, sheilding me from what is about to happen.

My mind goes balck and the next thing I see is Loki killing the forst giant then Thor and Frigga embracing. I see Loki's face go white and I kbow Thor must be angry for what he's done. I have to tell him what Loki's plan is.

"Thor! Listen to me Loki is-" I run towards Thor but he and Loki are already gone.

"Where did they go?" I ask Frigga, I realized I blacked out again.

"Frigga, something is wrong with me." I stare at her in despair. My head starts to ache and my knees go weak.

I scream as I pull on my hair. Wanting the pounding to just go away. Maybe this was my power awaking? Maybe I'm jusy hearing the universe around me.

I feel a small touch on my shoulder, then my mind stands still.

"What is wrong with me?" I ask Frigga.

"You will be okay, darling." She smiles but her eyes stay sad.

I had no fear inside me until a quake passed through Asgard. I noticed explosions were reacurring. I gaze upon the city starlight, when my eyes catch the bifrost all the fear that's been hidden has come out to suffocate me. What was going on and where is Loki?

I wake up with a desperate gasp for breath. I didn't realize I went to bed. Wait where am I? This room isn't familiar. It's not a palace room or part of the Valkyrie chambers.

"Hello?" My voice comes out as a croak. I try clesr my voice but it just makes it worse.

"Anyone?" I can swear my throat was bleeding now.

"It's okay, Sigyn."

I look around the room but nobody is in here.

"Where is your voice coming from? Who are you?" I can taste metal in my mouth as I try make out the woman's voice. I don't recognize her from anywhere.

"I am Eir. I am possibly the best doctor on Asgard. You fainted and was knocked unconscious. You would not wake up. You have a dark magic lurking inside you from your last visit to the hospital. Am I right?" I've heard of Eir, but I never got to meet her. Not in my whole life.

"Yes." My eyes start to get teary.

"You've been in a coma for six weeks."

I feel myself start to panick, I try get up from the bed to get out but the tube fills with yellow liquid and I slowly drift away into sleep.

When I wake up, I try recall my last memory. Was it Frigga comforting me or Thor returning out of the blue. Although I don't remember I don't care. It couldn't have been six weeks. I can't shake the feeling. The feeling that something is terribly wrong.

"Sigyn?" A subtle stern voice echoes through the room.

"Frigga?!" I recognize the voice and jerk up without hesitation. I groan in pain, I'm not entirely better, and very sore.

"Sigyn, please be careful. You're still recovering." Frigga brushes my hair softly and I lean back on my healing bed.

"I missed everything. The valkyrie ceremonies! All my hard work for nothing. The support of others as well. I do not remember much. It hasn't really been six weeks has it?" I selfishly blurt out anything that comes to mind.

"My dear, you've been asleep for six months."

I can swear I heard my heart break before I felt pain. All my pain in the past year combined all bolted and spilled out in my heart.

"The dark matter took quite the toll on you. But you are fully cleansed and I promise to aid you back to your normal kind self." Frigga continues to comfort me by her soft strokes. Suddenly I remember everything all at once, that night, the garden, Thor's banishment, all my visions since the coronation. Every little bit.

"Where is Loki?"

Frigga lips shake but they don't part. They stay sealed. She is trying to hide something from me but I know she will not keep it hidden very long.

"Frigga, please. I've got to know if he's okay." My hold her hand, hoping to read her mind. I drop her hand as I realize my power must be awakening inside of me. I haven't seen anything but I can feel her sorrow and heartbreak.

"What happened to Loki?" I demand with no kindness one last time.

She nearly breaks into tears but she holds her breath. Keeping her eyes shut, she takes a depe breath and tries to remain calm.

"Loki is dead."


Oh my goodness, im sorry i havent updated this in forever ;-; I truly am. Anyway this story is picking up, a few more chapters and stuff will get real intense with feels i promise. At least thats what i hope to deliver; feelsss. Hope you are enjoying this c: stay tunned lolz

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