The Pranking List

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Brooke is the new girl in school, and she's determined to end her senior year with a bang. Logan Shaw is not only the most popular guy in school, but is also the reigning Pranking List Champion - a title Brooke is planning on taking as her own. What happens when the infamous Logan is just too attractive for his own good? Their rivalry will cause sparks to fly - and in more ways than one...


'Melbrooke Public School'

I read the sign with a grimace and a sense of annoyance as I roll up into the car park in my silver SUV, windows down and music blasting through the car speakers. Being ripped away from my friends and family in New York really wasn't ideal, and coming to a new school as a Senior was the icing on the bitterly dismal cake.

I'm quick to jump out of the car and whip my oversized sunglasses onto my slightly freckled face, an attempt to both keep the glaring California sun out of my eyes and to also keep the stares of the students at bay. I quickly reapply my lip gloss and smack. Okay. I'm ready. My heels click against the cobbled floor, my nerves making the noise seem louder than it actually is. I can feel the eyes of all the students burning a hole in my head, but I ignore them. I can just imagine what's running though their head at the moment.

"Who's the new girl?"

"Where did she come from?"

"What's she doing here?"

All these questions were fair, but unfortunately also meant that I had the student body's full attention. As if my first day wasn't nerve-wracking enough...

Lost in my thoughts, I forgot to watch where I was going; within a second I was sprawled on the floor, my books scattered in a mess around me. Nice going me. I take a glance up at who it was I had already made a bad impression on by crashing into them. It was a friendly looking guy, quite attractive with un trimmed long blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh, are you okay?!" He says, eyebrows knotted together with concern. I just nod slightly.

"I'm fine."

"Here, let me help you up." He offers, and sticks out his hand in front of me. I tentatively take it and he pulls me up. I notice he's picked up all my books too.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem. So, since you're new, do you want me to show you around?" He offers, a boyish grin on his face.

"Sure! That would be great! I'm Brooklyn, Brooke for short." I say.

"Mike, at your service Madame!" Mike jokes, and I let out a small laugh at his silly behaviour. I can tell we are going to get on great.

He offers out his arm and says "shall we?" In a posh British accent.

"Why, thank you kind sir, we shall." I reply, trying to mimicking his British accent but failing miserably. He laughs at my attempt and I pout over-dramatically, inducing another hearty laugh from him. Maybe the school year wouldn't be so bad after all...

A few hours later, I had become fast friends with Mike, and now held higher hopes with how the school year was going to fare for myself. Conversation flowed as we made our way to the cafeteria for our lunch break.

"Here, come sit with me and my friends!" Mike says, already tugging me towards a table.

"I believe the correct term is 'my friends and I'" I say in a snotty voice, struggling to keep a straight face.

"God, you're such a nerd!" He replies teasingly, shaking his head slightly. We keep on walking to the table.

"Guys, this is Brooke, the new girl!" Mike introduces me to the table. I look around. The only person I recognise is Corrigan, a sweet girl from Maths who happens to be Mike's girlfriend. There were 3 other people ate the table, a boy with a shaved head, a spunky looking girl with short blonde hair and a guy with the most brilliant green eyes I had ever seen.

"Hey, I'm Valerie." The spunky looking girl introduced herself with a smile, offering her hand out. I smile in return and shake her hand.

"I'm Max" says the boy with a shaved head, offering a small smile which I mirror.

"Logan." The last boy says, a smirk on his face as he does.

"So Mike, have you informed Brooke here of the list?" Valerie asks raising a perfectly plucked brow as Mike shakes his head. List? What list?

"Oh dear. Come Brooke, let me explain. Every year on the first day of school, the list is put up on the wall. The Pranking list. It lists 100 pranks for us to do. The next day, the list is gone, and Logan here has a bucket now filled with the many pranks. We then each pull out a slip of paper. On the paper is a prank and how many points its worth. Then, at the end of the year, we count how many points everyone has and sees who wins! Simple! Logan here is the reining champion, 3 years in a row!"

I turn to Logan in shock. 3 years! He smirks at me. I just roll my eyes in response, trying to hide my amusement but very ready to display my annoyance at his egotistical manner. Boy, this guy really needed to be taken down a peg or two.

It was with this thought an idea sparked.

Throughout my entire high school career, I had not done anything noteworthy or memorable. I had no crazy stories, no detention laughs, no wild parties - nothing. So when I found out that I would be transferring to Melbrooke's Public School, I vowed to make a name for myself. And Valerie's very informative speech gave me the perfect idea. What better way to get yourself known than beat the reining champion of the Pranking List?



I wrote this when I was 13 and it's safe to say I'm rather embarrassed. I'm slowly making some edits to it, and am hoping to salvage it as I think the plot is super fun to both read and write! I apologize for any future cringy author notes and/or grammatical errors or just overall bad writing(:

This is my first attempt at a story and is just meant to be a lighthearted piece of teen fiction, so sorry if the writing style isn't exactly complex - the idea of writing an easy and fun read appealed to me!

Please remember to:





Thanks, until next time,

-Zahra x

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