Prank #2

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"Oh for Gods sake" is the first thing I say when I read the small slip of paper in my hand.

"What is it, let me see!" Logan cries from next to me, craning his neck slightly to try and catch a glimpse of my prank.

"Nu-uh!" I say, and then smirk, "rule 13. All pranks must be only known by the pranker and the prankee." He sticks his tongue out at my imitation of him, which I respond to with doing the same thing back.

"Are you sure you two aren't dating?" some stupid freshman asks from across the circle.

"NO!!!" We both shout, and fake gag while Logan rolls his eyes. The sudden response causes everyone to turn around and gives us suspicious looks. We turn to each other and burst out laughing.

"As if that's ever going to happen!" Logan says, causing a small pain in my chest. What? No, I don't care that he said that! I agree!

"I know right?" I say in agreement with Logan, ignoring the constricting feeling in my chest as I do so.


"Time to shine baby" I whisper to the open backpack of water bottles in front of me. I zip the bag up and hoist it over my shoulder. If I manage to pull this off, it will be hysterical.

I quickly duck inside the main office, and turn to Miss Parks, the cougar secretary of the school.

"How may I help you?" She says distastefully, peering over her granny glasses, her lips curling unattractively.

"There appears to be an emergency in the boys locker rooms. Yourself and Mr Michegan are required" I state, shuddering as she licks her lips when I say the words 'boys locker rooms.'

"The boys lockers room hey? I'm sure I'll be able to handle it by myself" she replies, a perverted look on her ancient face.

"No!" I exclaim, and she looks at me strangely, "uh.. you see, they won't let you in without Mr Michegan there." She frowns upon hearing this, now realising she won't be able to have her wicked way with underage boys.

"Fine." she says, and knocks sharply on his door, and proceeds to explain the situation to him.

I pretend to follow them out, and once they are out of sight, I double back into the office. Quickly, I grab the water bottles from my bag and pour them into the headmasters coffee. A nice mix of raw egg, mixed spices and mustard will really spice up the coffee! I then quickly do the same to Miss Cougar just for good measure.

Now the real fun begins.

Today is the celebration of 50 years since the school began. Per tradition, everyone in the school is poured a small cup of water from the schools trophy. I think you know where this is going.

I quickly take out the remaining bottles and dump the contents into the trophy. The mixture had a fair amount of water to disguise the liquid, but not enough to cancel out the taste. I smile to myself as I leave the office. This is going to be one interesting assembly.


"And to conclude, in honour of our 50th anniversary, we will hand out the cups of water. Remember, do not drink until we say so." Mr Michegan says, his voice echoing through the hall. At last. My moment to shine. A devilish smirk snakes onto my face, causing Logan to do a double take.

"Whats got you so evil looking?" he whispers.

"Nothing" I reply sharply, still slightly miffed at what he said the other day about us dating. He looks taken aback at my short response, and is about to question my sour mood when he gets handed his cup.

"Now, in honour of our incredible school, please, drink in 3..2...1"

Everyone downs their cup in one go apart from me. All of a sudden the room is willed with spit takes, gagging noises and retches. A boy gets up and vomits in a potted plant across the room. Yuck.

Logan spits his entire cup out and screws up his face with disgust. I watch as realisation sets in. He turns to face me.

"You did this." he says, more of a statement rather than a question. I just smirk in response and tip my full cup towards him. Game on Shaw. Game on.


To anybody who actually might be reading this:

I am so so sorry for the late update. I had end of year exams, and then I had a school trip to France so I didn't have much time.

Good news is that it's summer vacation now and I will have more time to update!

Please vote and comment - I want to know your thoughts on the book!

Constructive criticism is aways welcome x

-Zahra x

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