Waffles Are The Way To Any Woman's Heart

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I let out a moan, savouring the sweet taste of the syrup combined with the soft, delicious waffle. I crack my eyes open slightly to see Logan staring at me with a weird expression on his face. He notices my gaze on him and ducks his head slightly, red splotches appearing ton his cheeks. Hold up. Logan's BLUSHING? Why would he do that?

-Logan POV-

Her eyes are closed, so I take the opportunity to watch her. God she's beautiful. Wait what? I mean fit. Yeah she's fit. But not beautiful. I never call girls beautiful.

She takes a bite into her waffles, and a throaty noun emits from her mouth. Oh. My. God. I can't believe she doesn't know what a tease she's being! All of a sudden her eye cracks open and she catches my gaze on her. I quickly duck my head, holin vs he didn't recognise the lust written all over my face. Oh god. What if she did?

This thought gets me extremely embarrassed, and I can feel the heat rising on my cheeks. What the actual hell? Since when does Logan Shaw blush?

'Since Brooke came to the school, that's when' an unwanted inside voice says. I shake it off. Nah, she's just a girl. Since when does anybody have that kind of affect on me?

Once I'm certain the dreaded pink hue on my cheeks has disappeared, I look up again and clear my throat.

"I'm guessing from your reaction that it's good huh?" I ask with a cheeky grin.

"Oh my gosh, it's amazing! How did you find this place!" She animatedly responds, every feature on her face bright and alive. I look around the small diner. It didn't look like much, and it wasn't well known, but it did the best food I've ever had, and I am particularly attached to it sentimentally also.

"My dad used to take me here." I say slowly, carefully saying each word, scared my voice is going to break.

"Oh, so do you to come here often then?" She asks, her eyes filled with innocent curiosity, oblivious to the wave of pain she just drove into my chest.

"He um-" my voice cracks suddenly, and I clear my throat and try again "he died a few years ago. Cancer."

Her eyes fill with sorrow and... Guilt?

"I'm so sorry" she says. Those three words anger me. Is that all she has to say? Is that all anybody has to say when they hear about my dad? Why are they sorrow! They didn't do anything! They're just so sympathetic, so upset over somebody they haven't met before. All of a sudden, they treat me like I'm made from glass, so fragile and easily broken, when I'm not!

All of a sudden, my inner tirade is interrupted by her continuing her former statement

"I'm so sorry I brought it up. I wouldn't have if I had known." She says, her voice sympathetic. I look up at her confused. She's still treating me the same?

"Why aren't you treating me like a baby?" I blurt, the words coming out before I can stop them. She just stares at me, her eyebrows scrunched together and her eyes crinkled with confusion.

"Why ever would I do that? What you've been through doesn't make you turn into glass. In fact, it makes you stronger, a very admirable trait." She says. Now it's my turn to stare. I had never been called strong, not once in my life. And I didn't realise how good it feels until now.

I continue watching her, drinking in her long brown hair, the cute little freckles scattered across her face, her large green eyes framed with long eyelashes. I just didn't understand what I did to deserve someone as amazing as her. But whatever I did, I was grateful. Brooke coming into my life was the best thing that ever happened to me. And I am determined to make her mine.


Heyy guys!

Decided to give you a little insight in Logan's life ;)


okay anywaysss......

This story has got like no reads for the last chapter or so :(

So I was wondering if you have friends on wattpad or whatever you could tell them about it? That would be great xx

Also, just wanted to be clear on one thing (okay one direction fangirl moment when I typed one thing okay now I'm good)

None of these chapters are edited or even proofread, so there will probably be quite a few mistakes so feel free to point them out :) x

That's all I wanted to say, oh and also maybe check out my other stories? Some of my works aren't actually stories but I do have a couple so maybe you can check them out?

Anyways, to the few readers I have, THANK YOU :) xx

You guys know the drill:




-Zahra x

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