Oh Logan

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Today was the day. I could feel it. It was something in the air that made me stop during my walk to school and think "this is the day Logan completes his prank."  

I push the school doors open, holding my breath. I gasp at the sight before me. 

There was nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I don't mean that there was no prank, I mean there was literally nothing in the hallway except very confused students. Oh my gosh. Somehow, Logan had emptied the hallways of all objects, posters, etcetera. 

"Finally realising what you're up against babe?" I hear a voice by my hair, warm breath tickling my neck. I jump slightly, shocked at how close we are. I turn slightly and come face to face with Logan. Instead of giving him the pleasure of telling him how in awe I am, I merely shrug and say "it's cool, I guess." He chuckles slightly at my feigned nonchalance and shakes his head. 

"It gets better." He whispers. Gets better? What does that mean? As if rehearsed, someone lets out a shout from across the hallway.  

"Look! Look at this!" Everybody rushes and cranes their necks, trying desperately to read a piece of paper stuck on the wall. I finally get a look at it. It says 

'When something leaves you, it usually goes higher up.' 

At first, I think it's talking about death and going to heaven, but then I realise its a clue leading us to the missing objects. But we were on the top floor, so how did that make sense? Unless... No. He couldn't have. But as I watch him smirk slightly, I know that he did.  

'How?' I mouth to him. 

'A master never tells his secrets.' He mouths back. I roll my eyes at him and giggle slightly. Then I hurry up the stairs leading to the roof along with the other bystanders. We finally make it to the top and are shocked by what we see. 

On the roof, there is a perfect replica of the hallway. Everything was in place, including fake walls. Not a single poster was crooked, or a plant out of place. It was crazy. My jaw drops, along with everybody around me. How? I mean, I knew Logan had to be good if he won 3 years in q row, but this? This was pure genius! 

"That's a nice goldfish impression you're doing there sweetheart." I jump, and then immediately close my mouth. How does he keep sneaking up on me like that?! He's like... A superhero or something. I snort with laughter as I imagine Logan in tights. He stares at me weird. Once again, I have laughed in front of him without explaining the joke. In attempt to explain my random fit of giggles, I tell him about my envisioning of him in tights. 

"Why were you laughing? I would rock those tights gurrlll!" He sasses me in a joking way. I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach. Everybody on the roof turns to stare at me. Oh well, at least Logan thinks I'm normal. Then I see the look on his face. Never mind then...

He chuckles slightly and then grabs me by the arm.

"Come on, we have to go, we'll be late to first period!"

I mock sigh, and say

"If you insist..."

He chuckles once again and then smiles down at me. It's contagious, and I can't help but smile back.

"No, Logan is your enemy, remember? He's a cocky, egotistical jerk!" A voice in my head says. But when I look up at him with that huge, REAL smile on his face, I can't help but think that my first impression of him was wrong.

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