An Unexpected Guest...

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I tug at the carefully positioned strands of hair framing my face, the rest pulled back into a bun. As I do so, I let a small sigh escape my lipglossed lips. I was SO not in the mood to entertain random guests and their stupid son. I don't even know the guy! Just because we are the same age doesn't mean we'll get along! I childishly stomp my foot (I should really stop doing that) and glance at my phone to see if there were any new messages. Nope. I guess Logan really couldn't get out of what he was doing either.

Okay, you probably have no idea what's going on. Basically, my mum bumped into a high school friend and started chatting, leading on to invite them to dinner tonight. Unfortunately for me, they have a son my age, so instead of spending the night watching Mean Girls per tradition, I was forced to attend this stupid dinner. Okay, so what does this have to do with Logan? Well I had gotten the message when I was out with him, ad he had noticed immediately that I was upset (maybe it was the foot-stomping that gave me away...) so he offered to keep me company. Unfortunately, straight after he offered he too got a message saying he himself had to go have dinner with family friends. Ironic huh? It was funny at first, but now that I think about it, it's a total pain he couldn't come.

"Brooke, come down and greet our lovely guests!" My mum calls up to my room, probably sounding sweet to the guests, but I can hear the promise of a painful death if I don't do as she says. Slowly I drag my feet to the door, stalling for as long as possible. I REALLY did not want to go down there.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and enter the dining room in which everyone is seated, my gaze anywhere but the family. My mother fake coughs into her hand to get my attention, and I sigh under my breath, realising that facing the family is inevitable. When I see the family, however, my jaw hits the floor.

Standing in front of me, equally as shocked, is a very dapper looking Logan Shaw. After getting over the initial shock, my lips curve up into a smile, and his into his signature smirk.

"Brooke, this is Logan Shaw." My mother introduces, completely oblivious to our change in attitude. I'm about to open my mouth and give the whole thing away when Logan does something very unexpected.

"Nice to meet you Brooke." He says, sticking out his hand for me to shake. I smirk and play along, taking his hand and shaking it.

"And you, Logan." I reply. Our mothers both grin so widely I'm pretty sure they'll have stretch marks. My dad, on the other hand, is eyeing Logan up, seeing him as a threat for his 'baby girl'. Oh god. This will be quite the dinner.


"And then he finally took off the blindfold and realised he was actually chatting up an old woman!" Logan finishes, causing the entire table to burst out laughing. He had been describing one of his pranking list adventures (of course, twisting it slightly to make it seem like it was just some harmless April Fools prank). Logan shoots a quick wink my way, and I just roll my eyes, my mouth twitching involuntarily upwards. I should really stop feeling this way. Logan would never go for me! He had so many girls with supermodel looks and perfect bodies, all confident and sexy, and me? I was like... An awkward giraffe. Yep. See, even my analogies of myself as a person show how strange I am.

"It was so lovely having you here, we definitely need to do this again sometime!" My mother exclaims, pulling Anne (Logan's mother) into one of those weird mother hugs with air kisses and stuff. Well, now I know why I'm so weird - it's genetic. I roll my eyes at the exact same time as Logan, and we smirk at each other when we catch each others eyes. He shakes his head and mouths 'moms' to me, and i cover my mouth with my hand in an attempt to stop the giggles threatening to escape my body through.

As soon as they leave, I let out a sigh. All night I had been experiencing weird feelings around Logan, like tingles shooting up my arm when he caught me from tripping up on the rug, and fluttering feelings in my stomach when he smiled his full blown grin in my direction. I had started noticing weird, unimportant details about him, like how he bites his lip when he's nervous, or tugs on his sleeve when he's in a fidgety mood. It really wasn't good. I had read enough of those silly wattpad romances to know what all these things meant, but i wasn't ready to accept it. It would have been easier to ignore if Logan had just kept on being the jerk i thought he was, but no. He just had to actually be a genuinely sweet and caring person, abolishing all bad thoughts about him from my head. I hurry upstairs into my room and collapse on the bed, drifting off into a dreamless sleep, my last thought an image of a certain green-eyed guy with shaggy brown hair.

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