A Slimy Situation

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I take a deep breath. I can do this. It's all good. Come on Brooke. Don't you want to wipe the smirk off of Logan's annoying, sexy face?! With a defeated Logan on mind, I proceed to enter the school, one foot at a time. It's the day after I set up the prank. The day it's set in motion. I walk into the school, and look around. It's havoc,

Everybody's looking around in shock, whispering amongst themselves. Some people are surveying their surroundings - there were balloons hanging from the ceiling, multicoloured. I smile a little. The balloons weren't part of the prank, but I decided to spice it up a little. But most people are staring at Mr Michegan.

The moment I see him, and have to literally clap my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Green goo smothers him from head to toe. His face is priceless, a perfect picture of pure rage. He is seething, hands clenched into fists at his side. I feel an unexplainable sense of pride. Even though most of these students don't know who did it, I feel like they are in awe because of what I did. To be honest, I'm surprised it worked.

"WHO DID THIS?!" Mr Michegan screams, causing everybody to start looking at each other, trying to search out the guilty culprit. Nobody comes forward. Of course not. There was no way in hell I was going to admit! I catch Logan's eye from across the room. He sends me a quick thumbs up and mouths "Nice Job Rookie". I hold my chin high, and nod in his direction as a sign of thanks. I wasn't going to show any more emotion. He didn't need to feel as if I was seeking his approval. It would all go to his already extremely large head.

I turn my attention back to the scene before me. Mr Michegan starts stamping back to his office. All of a sudden, he slips on seemingly nothing, and goes flying through the air before landing straight on his back. This just fuels his rage. He picks up the object he tripped on, and as I see it I grin impossibly wide.

You see, I decided that I wanted to make each prank I did noticeable. Have a trademark of some sort. And my trademark was exactly what Mr Michegan had slipped on. I subtly scan the crowd, watching everyone's faces as their eyes zero in on the joker card in his hand. Their faces show a mixture between confusion, shock and awe. But all of them are impressed. Happy with what I see before me, I turn on my heel and walk up to my locker and get my books out for first period. It was going to be an interesting day.


"Oh my gosh Brooke, that was genius!"

I sit back in my chair, a smug smile on my face as Valerie compliments my work.

"And the joker card? That was the best!" Mike adds, staring at me with a mixture of awe and disbelief. I laugh a little.

"So, when's the next session?" I ask.

"We hold a session once everybody has completed their pranks. So far, all of the pranks have been completed except one." Max informs me. I nod my understanding. I remember the other pranks. One was done by a girl in my science class. She set all the frogs free in Mrs Brandy's desk. It was hilarious. I had heard about the others as well.

"So who's left to prank?" I ask Corrigan. She opens her mouth to answer, but someone else beats her to it.

"I am" a smirking Logan says. And from the look on his face, I can tell its going to be good.


"Stupid car!" I shout in frustration, stomping my foot like a two year old. I'm glad nobody is around to witness my display of extremely childish behaviour.

"Car troubles?" A voice behind me asks. Oops, spoke too soon. I turn around and internally groan as I see that it's Logan.

"What do you want?" I snap. I didn't mean to sound rude, but the car had gotten me in a bad mood.

"Woah, easy there tiger!" Logan says, putting his hands up in mock defence.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap, it's just this hunk of metal refuses to start and now I'm in a bad mood." I say, running my hands through my hair.

"No problem. Do you want a lift?" He offers. I'm taken aback when he says this. Logan? Doing something good? I subtly pinch myself to check I'm not dreaming. Ouch. Yep, I'm awake. I notice Logan giving me a weird look. Oops, I guess he saw my pinch myself. Now he probably thinks I'm some sort of emo freak. Great. Then I realise he's probably waiting for me to answer the question.

"Oh, yes, that would be great thanks. But what about my car?" I ask.

"My uncle owns a car towing company, he can swing by and pick it up for you." I stare at him in shock for a few moments. Why is he being so nice?

"Babe, I know I'm hot stuff, but if you don't close your mouth you're going to catch flies." He says with a smirk. I immediately start scowling. Ah, there's the Logan I know and love (NOT)!

"Let's just go." I say, and walk to his truck. He chuckles and follows.


The car ride is awkward. I have no idea what to say to start up a conversation. Saying hello would be just plain weird, and I have no idea what he's into. The only thing we have in common is the Pranking List. Speaking of that, I wonder what his prank is.

"What your prank?" I blurt out, immediately mentally face-palming myself afterwards.

He shoots me his infamous smirk and says "rule 13. All pranks must be only known by the pranker and the prankee."

I scowl, which causes him to chuckle. I don't understand what's so funny about my scowl. It's not supposed to be amusing!

"Oh, but when you're mad you are so cute!" Logan says. Did I say that out loud? Wow, way to go Brooke! Wait hold on - did he just say I'm cute?

"You calling me cute Logan?" I ask, smirking.

"Erm, well - um!- you see -" he stutters, trying to explain. A faint pink tinge starts creeping up his neck, and the tips of his ears turn red.

"Awwww is little Logy-pogy blushing?" I coo, squeezing his cheeks.

"Logy-pogy?" He ask with a raised eyebrow, recovered from his little slip of the tongue. Now it's my turn to be embarrassed.

"Hey, I was under pressure! It's not THAT bad a nickname..." I trail off, knowing how stupid I sounded.

"Awwww is little Brookie-wookie blushing?" He mimics, and I laugh a little.

"Hah, see, it's hard to come up with a good nickname in that situation, isn't it?" I crow.

"What are you talking about? Brookie-wookie is a perfectly good nickname" he defends, putting his hands to his chest in mock hurt. I burst out laughing and he soon joins in. All of a sudden I notice we've stopped. What's happening? Are we out of gas? Then I realise we are in front of my house. I face-palm myself. Then I realise that I a tally did hit myself in the face. I sneak a look at Logan and he's staring at me looking extremely weirded out. Then he does something I don't expect. He starts laughing.

"You really are something else Brooke." He says with a smile. And I can't help myself. I smile back.



Okay, anyways, you know the drill! Vote comment and share people! :)

-zahra x

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