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Carrie's POV

So mine and Michael's 2nd official kiss just happened. wow. There was something about him though, I just didn't know what it was. Had I met him before? Before the incident?

I didn't get a chance to actually see where we were. Michael had brought us to a cute little 'hangout area'. It was surrounded by big trees that sheltered the small patch of grass. On the trees there was sparkling fairy lights that hung from each of the branches and brightened the area up. Even though it was still daytime the trees made a canopy over the top of us which gave off the effect that it was night time and was dark. 

We hung out there for a while, talking about anything that came to our minds, We played 20 questions and while I was asking Michael, his likes, dislikes, hobbies, he was asking me about more personal stuff, like my past. I didn't call him out in it though, i'm close enough to him to share, aren't I? 

"So, Carrie, Why did you move back here? to Australia?" The question was one that I hadn't expected, since I didn't know Michael when I first lived here. Or did I? I don't even know anymore, its just all jumbled and confusing, however I did continue to answer the question making a metal note ti ask Michael how he knew that I lived here before.

"Well, I'd been living in the UK, and there was this boy, who I kind of fell head over heels for," I paused, realizing what I was saying, I was telling Michael about the 2nd worst thing that had happened to me during my life. The 1st being my parents death. I looked up to see the boy nod, in approval to carry on with the story, hurt lingering in his eyes.

"He was such a gentleman and I thought I was in love with him, Christie didn't like him of course, she thought that he was using me and of course, he was. I was devastated because I'd dedicated a whole year of my life to him, a whole year! Do you know what i could of done in a year? I could of found my real friends, I could of asked more questions about why everything before my parents death was, and still is a blur. I could of had the 6 months it took to get over him being happy. Hell, I could of even moved back here earlier, Move back into the house where i had grown up earlier, and I could of met you, and the boys earlier." By the end of my speech i was drained, my anger was bubbling up inside me, but I knew I couldn't let it ruin our day.

"Carrie," The look on his face said 'guilt' but there was another expression which i couldn't quite make out. 

"I'm so sorry, but just know that this isn't your fault." his look being apologetic.

"Michael you don't understand! It is my fault, I caused the crash!" Michael's head shot up and his eyes grew wide.

"No Carrie, you didn't I was there and you definitely did not cause it." It was my turn to be in shock, did Michael just say what I thought he said?

"What do you mean 'you were there'? Michael, How was you there, I didn't know you then. What are you trying to say?"My sentences merged together as I let the questions flood out of me.

"Carrie, please calm down and listen ok? You and your parents were driving to the shops when a car came out of nowhere and hit you. Your parents died instantly but it left you with concussion and amnesia, The amnesia hasn't fully went yet, as you already know. I was you're best friend growing up, and before you went away, I was your boyfriend. When I kissed you the other day, i thought it would bring back at least a bit of our time together, you know like in all the chick flick movies, I thought I could save you and make you remember all the people in your life that loved and still love you." I knew Michael wasn't the type of person to cry in front of people but as i looked up at him i saw the tears falling down his blushed cheek.

I moved so that i was sat in front of him and did the first thing that I knew made everyone feel better. I gave him my biggest and warmest hug, and then confessed.

"You did bring back small memories, not all of them, but some. I remember having a water fight with you and Calum in our back garden and I remember that night you snuck me out of my bedroom so that we could go and watch the stars. They might not be the biggest memories, but its a start. But you've got to keep this in mind ok? Even if some memories are lost forever and nothing can return them, There will always be room for new memories together, with you and the boys."

We proceeded to just sit there for about half an hour hugging in silence until Michael spoke up.

"Want to go back to the house and order pizza?"

I nodded knowing that pizza can make anything better.


Again i'm sorry for the slowness of these.

So how did you like this chapter? Its got a lot of emotional stuff between Michael and Carrie and my heart can't take it.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

If you're reading this thank you <3

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