Hanging Out

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Carries POV

School was over before I knew it. I had Music for the last two lessons. I had music with Calum, Luke, Ashton and even Michael.

I was sitting with Calum, Luke and Ashton talking about my first day.

"So how's your first day been Carrie?"

I snapped out of my gaze and answered Luke's question.

"Erm...well it's been alright actually, I've made some great friends."


I looked up at Calum and shook my head at his stupidity

"You three you idiot!"

"And Michael..."

Calum's tone in his voice went very sharp and I could tell he was really annoyed at me. Was hanging out with Michael such a bad idea?

Michael walked in a few moments after and glanced in my direction, I couldn't help but blush so I decided to look down so it wasn't obvious.

"Go on, go talk to him."

"What? Calum I'm sitting with you ok?"

"I know, I'm sorry."

I could tell that he was hurt but I was only hanging out with Michael, it's not like I cheated on Calum! I only met both boys today.

Michael motioned me to come talk to him.

"I'll be 2 minutes, ok?"

"Yeah yeah, come back ok?"

I was quite angry at Calum, I had only known him a day but I could tell he got jealous easily.

"Hey, so what did you want to talk about? Not to be rude but could you make it quick? Calum's a bit annoyed and I did say I would only be 2 minutes."

"Ok, ok. I was thinking about us hanging out later."

Oh my god...is he going to cancel? Was he really just going to drop me like that?

"Erm, so do you want to go straight to my place after school?"

I was relieved that he was ditching me but I was also nervous. I mean going to his place? I couldn't just say no.

"Yeah sure. I can't wait."

"You should go sit back with your 'boyfriend' he keeps looking back."

"He's not my 'boyfriend' we only met today, he's just my friend."

Michael put his hands up to surrender.

"Ok, ok. I'll talk to you later sweetie."

I rolled my eyes and headed back to where I was seated earlier.

"So what did he want?"

Calum's tone of voice was really starting to annoy me. I don't know if he was jealous or not, but he shouldn't be.

"Just wanted to ask if we could go to his place after school, just hang out."

"Oh, are you going?"

"Well, yeah Calum, I did say I was going to hang out with him."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry you must think I'm some kind of jealous weirdo but I can tell that we're going to be great friends and I don't want you getting hurt Carrie."

"I'll be ok Calum, I told you that I'll ring or text you if any things wrong."


It was the end of the school day and I was walking to Michaels house with him.



"What do you want to do when we get to that place I call home?"

"It's up to you really, it is your house after all."

We arrived at a large house, a type of house where you could have great house party's in.

"My mum and dad are at work and won't be back till 8 so we have a few hours to ourselves."


Michael gave me a tour of the house and I knew I would get lost as soon as we finished.

"Wow! Your house is so big Michael!"

"I know, sometimes I wonder if it's too big, but it is great for party's. Speaking of which, I'm having one tomorrow, want to come?"

"Wow invited to a party on my first day...that's a first."

"So are you coming?"

"Yeah, sure, it'll be fun."

A few hours had went by and me and Michael was sitting on his couch watching movies.

I looked up at the time and shrugged it off.

"Won't your mum be worried about you? It's half 7 on a school night."

"No, she said it's ok, is that your way of asking me to leave?"

"No, no Carrie, I didn't mean it like that. It's just you're a sweet girl who looks like she has a curfew and stuff."

"I'm sorry to say this Michael but everything about that sentence was wrong."

I knew deep inside he wanted to know why, but I couldn't tell him.

"Sorry if this is too much to ask but, why?"

I could feel The tears streaming down my face, when I felt Michael's thumb on my face. When I looked up at him His eyes were locked on mine when I felt his face edging closer to mine

"Michael..." I whispered

"Carrie, don't speak."

"Michael I can't do this...I've only known you a day."

"I know, I'm sorry."

I got up, grabbed my bag and left Michael's house. Maybe Calum was right, hanging out with Michael was a mistake.

(A/N I didn't know what to do in this chapter,I'm sorry, I hope you like it, thanks for reading I promise I will make it better.)

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