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Carrie POV

I didn't know what to say. Michael knew I lied to him and he probably won't trust me ever again.

"I'm sorry I lied to you Michael."

"Carrie, it doesn't matter. You do know you could of told me that Calum knew, it's not that big of a deal."

Although it was a bigger deal than Michael thought.

"Before I forget! I'm having a big party at mine this weekend and everyone's going, so do you want to come?" Michael asked and I knew I couldn't say no. After all, I did lie to his face.

"Yeah, sure but is it ok if my cousin, christie, goes because she's coming down, from the uk, for the weekend to see how I am and stuff."

"Yeah, perfectly fine. I've been wanting to meet her, Luke won't shut up about how 'perfect' she is and how 'right' they are for each other."


I was excited to see Christie, I hadn't seen her in a couple months and I needed a bit of a catch up, although I think the main reason she I coming to Australia is because of her lover Luke Hemmings.

I drove to the airport with Luke, and we talked about how we both missed her and how Luke needs 'catching up' time.

"Her flight should of landed. Where is she?"

I turned round to a now occupied luke.

"Christie! You go straight to Luke and don't even hug or say hi your cousin."

"Hey, I've waited months for that kiss."

"And you haven't waited months for a hug off your favourite cousin in the entire world?"

"No, because kissing the beautifulest guy in the entire world is better."

"Fine. Walk home bitch."

"Aww come here."

Mine and Christies relationship was a love/hate relationship. We would insult each other a lot, but we both loved each other really.

"Are you going to Michael's party Carrie?"

"Of course luke. Are you?" I asked raising an eyebrow which got a few laughs from Luke's lover.

"Yes I am. Actually." He said dragging the U and the A on for too long.

"Am I going?"

"Yes Christie, you are."

"I haven't been invited yet though?"

"Fine. Christie would you like to go to Michael's party with us?" I asked, hinting the annoyance of having to waste my breath on a sentence I didn't need to use.

"I'd love to, thanks for inviting me."

"No problem."


I loved Michael's house. It was so big and had a comforting feeling which I never feel when I'm at my own house.

"You enjoying the party Carrie."

"It's good, thanks for inviting me by the way."

"I'd do anything for you carrie, from simple things to inviting you to parties to giving you the last slice of pizza."

"Now giving me the last slice of pizza, That's love."

We done typical party stuff. Drank, danced, the usual.

"A game of truth or dare anyone?"

Most people had gone home now and I couldn't blame them. It was almost 3 in the morning and I was too tired to care.

"Isn't that so cliché Calum?"

"Who said we can't be cliché?"


It was only our little 'group' of friends that was playing. Me, Michael, Luke, Christie, Calum, Charlotte and Ashton.

"Christie...truth or dare?"


"I dare you to...go outside and scream 'I'm getting some tonight'."


It took about 30 seconds before we heard screams coming from Michael's front garden.



"Truth or dare?"


"Aw come on, stop being boring."

"Find then. Dare."

"I dare you to have a tongue party with Michael."

I could feel my cheeks burn when I was suddenly pulled face to face with Michael.

"Ok, here it goes."

(A/N SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I've been so busy lately. Shoutout to christie for making me update. Thanks for all the reads you don't know how much it makes me smile😊 and I'm sorry for it being quiet short.)

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