New Friends

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Carries POV

It felt like 5 minutes had gone by before Michael spoke up again

"You don't have to answer that, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Is this the right Michael Clifford Calum was talking about? I mean come on, stereotype 'bad boys' don't apologize for making people uncomfortable...Do they?

I finally spoke up again

"No no, its fine but I kind of promised myself I'm not opening up to just anybody, and i've only known you...a good 5 minutes"

Michael giggled and had a smirk on his face which told me he was thinking about something. I just wish I could read his mind. He seemed like a person who keeps his secrets to himself but would also blurt them out when he's drunk at a party.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked knowing I probably won't get the truth

"Oh...nothing, you don't need to worry about it hunny"


"So, who are you sitting with at lunch? You're new and probably don't have any friends"

The cheek. I can't believe he just said I had no friends.

"Actually I've been asked to sit with Calum, Ashton and Luke, I think his name was"

"Yeah it's Luke. That's a disappointment sweety, I was hoping we could get to know each other, make out a little bit"

Really...did Michael Clifford, the schools 'bad boy' just ask me to make out with him?

"Sorry to decline that little offer of yours but Calum asked me first."

"Oh, maybe we could hang out some other time?"

"We'll see Michael... We'll see"


The bell rang signaling that it was lunch time.

I had been through 4 lessons already today and they weren't the greatest. Science with Mrs. Judd wasn't great as I has to sit on my own at the very front were I could sense the other students talking and because I was the new kid I was so paranoid that they was talking about me. I had drama for a double lesson after that, which I really did enjoy and I was grateful that Calum, Luke and Ashton was in that class as well, Michael was also in my drama class but he didn't participate he just sat at the back with his earphones in, not noticing anyone in the class.

"OK, Carrie, you pick up a tray and just follow the line. helpful tip: if you want the good milk, smile and give Janice, the one with the Brown hair that is in the ponytail, a compliment, works every time."

"Thanks Calum."

As the line rapidly shortened, I sensed someone looking over my shoulder. I turned around to be face to face with a familiar face.

"Michael! You scared me."

"So where are your friends?"

"They've sat down at that table over there."

As I pointed over to where the boys where sitting, I felt a pair of eyes locked on me. When I turned round Michael was looking down on me, being the giant he was, I was forced to look up.

"You ok michael?" I asked unsure if I wanted the answer

"Yeah, but there's something about you...something that makes me need to be with you, like a magnet."

"Ok Michael. I think you need to go home and have a little nap."

"You think I'm saying this just to get in your pants. Because your the new girl, you don't know any better, but I promise you I'm not. I'm not your stereotypical bad boy."

As he said those words I could feel he ment them. Maybe he wasn't a stereotypical 'bad boy' maybe he had secrets that no one should no about. A little bit like me. But how would I know for sure?

"Ok,Michael, I'll hang out after school if you like"

WHAT! Why did I just say that? Why did those words have to slip out of my mouth? It can't be so bad...can it?

As I reached the table with the three boys on I could tell they wanted to ask me a bunch of questions but didn't really know how slip them into conversation

"So...Carrie, we're hanging out at Luke's place tonight, want to join us?"

I though that was sweet that Ashton asked that. He didn't speak much and was quite but I thought that would change once I got to know him properly.

"Omg, I'm so sorry, Michael Clifford asked me to hang out with him tonight."

"What did I say about him Caz?"

"Caz? Really Calum?"

"Its your new nickname and he's trouble Carrie."

I could feel a few glares off other students sitting at diffrent tables, as Calum raised his voice and i asked him to tone it down a bit.

"I know Calum but he did ask me first."

"Ok, I get it, But Caz?"

"Yeah Calum?"

"Take my number in case anything happens, I don't want you getting hurt."

I thought it was so sweet of Calum to care for me when I hadn't even known him for a day.

The other boys kept there heads down, as if they knew something but couldn't say.

"Yeah Calum, I promise I'll ring or text you if anything happens."

The rest of lunch was silent, interrupted by a few coughs now and then.

I couldn't help but think that maybe going out with Michael was going to be a mistake.

(A\N hi guys, thank you if you're reading this, tell me what you think so far, I've got a few good ideas for this and I hope you like them)

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