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"What are talking about? Your destiny? Did you hit your head?",Wyatt was all up in my face, looking at me like I'd lost my mind which I probably had.

"Can I just explain all this to you later?" I asked, pushing him away from me gently.

"Or you know you could just tell me now." He glared at me.

I looked around the camp, no one was watching us or even close enough to overhear but I didn't want to chance it.

"It's not safe here, not now. Meet me at the beach by the tide pools at dawn and I'll answer all your questions." He calmed a bit as I squeezed his shoulder but he was still looking at me with distrust, blue eyes piercing. "I promise."

He nodded, "Okay, I'll be there, but don't stand me up this time or me and you are going to have a problem."

After that little unsettling threat he went around me and joined a couple of lost boys in a game of darts that consisted of throwing daggers at the center of a target painted on a tree.

I looked back at the border of trees that Peter had disappeared into and my curiosity was getting the better of me again. Where had he gone? I decided to follow after before Wyatt could catch me and try to stop me but as I started to the deep, dark of the treacherous jungle, a firm hand grabbed my elbow and yanked me back.

"Where do you think you're sneaking off to?"


"Going for a walk, not that it concerns you." I tried to pull out of his vice but he just squeezed harder and I bit my lip to keep from crying out.

He narrowed his eyes at me menacingly, the glow from the fire creeping over his face and making his scars more prominent. His hair was hanging in his face as he stared intensely at me, looking for a sign that I was lying.

"If you're thinking about following lover boy, I wouldn't deem it wise."

"lover boy?"

He scoffed at me, "you think I don't know? That we all don't see what's been going on with the two of you?"

I sighed, trying to play it as cool as I could, "sorry to break it to you, but we're not in love."

"But he is."

"What kind of trick are you playing?" I asked warily.

"I've seen the way he looks at you, he can't take his eyes off you. Following you around like a love sick puppy in the jungle, letting your friend over there join us, giving you a wish. These are things Pan would never do, until you showed up. He used to be a leader, but now he's just weak."

I faked a yawn to show how amusing his little speech was, but truthfully I was shocked and oddly happy. I mean I have feelings for him or I DID have them. They didn't develop over time, it was instantaneous the moment I saw him, I loved him. I love him. I do, I can't possibly explain how or why. He's evil and cruel, dark and manevolent. Insane for power. How could I love that?

But I do.

I love Peter Pan.

"I'm not following Pan in an attempt of romance, I just want to take a goddamn walk." I sneered before finally freeing myself from him.

"He'll kill you, you know," he called out after me, "maybe not tonight, maybe not even tomorrow, but he will eventually. Pan never fails."

I turned to look back at him, "maybe not even then."

I turned my back on the ongoing celebration and made my way through the overgrown forest. Finding Peter wasn't going to be a picnic, it was pitch black and the only reason I wasn't tripping over my own two feet was the glow of the moon that just barely gave me enough light to see where I was going. Fireflies blinked around the area like fairies, and I kept pushing through the foilage, damn, I couldn't see a thing. I winced as I suddenly felt a sharp sting on my leg, almost like I'd been scratched, but before I could check for the damage I heard voices.

Very faint voices but they were there. I followed the sounds keeping low to the ground so as not to be spotted. I could soon hear exactly what was being said and I crouched down to listen. It was Peter's voice and someone else, who's I did not recognize, but the tone sent shivers through me.

"What exactly am I supposed to do?" Peter demanded frustrated.

"You know what to do. Rip out her heart and take her blood within you. Its what you've always wanted. How long have you been searching for her?"

"It seems like an eternity I've been waiting."

"And now she's here, and you're wasting time. Kill the star, put out her light before she ruins everything we've been working for."

"No. Not yet, I need her."

"For what? To run your little errands? That's why I allowed you to bring those boys here. No, you don't need her, you're in love with her."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"Do you take me for a fool? I've been apart of this island since its beginning and when you became apart of it, I became apart of you. I feel what you feel, I know what you know, and I know your feelings for that girl. Its made you weak, its pathetic really."

"I am not in love with her! I just have these feelings....I can't seem to control them....I just want them to stop!"

"And they will, but you must kill the Evenstar, snuff out her light and you'll be free of your feelings."

I could barely make put who was talking, but all I saw was a pair of glowing green eyes.

"No, the time isn't right"

"Should I refresh your memory of the prophesy? If you let this go on any longer it'll be too late. Do not underestimate that girl, that abomination, she may seem innocent and powerless but she's quite capable of killing you herself."

"Everyone is where I want them to be," Peter snarled, "she won't try anything, not with her friend's life in my hands. She doesn't even know who she is, what she's capable of. I have it under control. Its all apart of the game."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

There was a gust of wind as whoever Peter was arguing with vanished into the night and I peered over a tall fern, but Pete had disappeared too. I was alone and confused, I stood up and gasped as pain flared up my leg, I reached down and felt something wet and sticky, bringing up my fingers to the pale moonlight, I saw blood and something black and gooey but before I could speculate further on my wound a chilling voice came from above me.

"Hello there little last we finally meet."

Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now