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After Peter had practically ripped my heart out of my chest and I had been left to dwell in all that thorny pain, I stopped my crying and just stared up at the ceiling in a daze thinking about everything that has happened in only a few short days. I had already been here for almost a week and I have yet to begin my search for the Heart of Neverland, which is the sole reason I came here in the first place. Peter still didn't know that Killian had sent me and I had a completely different agenda than just magically appearing on Neverland like Wyatt had. Still had no idea that I had magic running through my veins. And I was going to make sure it stayed that way, there was no telling what he would do if he found out I was on a mission to steal some enchanted heart off his precious island.

He had told me he wouldn't fall in love with me and that he wouldn't allow himself to be weak, I decided that I too would bury these feelings and get down to business, keeping Wyatt and myself alive and finding that damn heart. I rolled out of bed with a groan and stood to stretch my sore muscles than began to get dressed. Clasping my necklace around my neck and grabbing my sword, I walked out into camp. I knelt down to tie my laces on my boots and a pair of boots stopped in front of me.

Wyatt was looking down at me with a frown and his arms crossed.

"I thought you said you'd come find me when you and Pan got through."

I could tell he was angry and I stood up wiping my hands on my jeans and then shrugged.

"I fell back asleep." I lied.


I just looked at him, trying not to reveal the turmoil roiling inside me.

"What did Pan say to you?"

"You know him, just a bunch of demands and death threats."

He narrowed his eyes at me to make sure I was telling the truth.

"Anyways, how are you feeling?" I asked in an attempt to change the subject.

He smirked and pulled up his shirt to reveal mottled patches of bruises in ugly shades of deep violets and blues around his ribs.

"Tis but a scratch." He joked.

I poked him in the side playfully.

"AH! Watch it! That's still tender!"

We both began to giggle, probably from hysteria but it felt good to laugh.

"Glad to know Neverland is amusing for you." snided a voice behind us.

We both stopped our fits of laughter and turned and saw Felix staring menacingly, glaring at us with dissaproval.

"Up yours, mate." I said in my best Scottish voice.

Wyatt burst out laughing uncontrollably and that set me off again.

I caught sight of a lean figure and brown chestnut hair leaning against a tree a little ways away watching us. Peter. I guess him and Felix had just returned from whatever they had to do this morning. Our eyes met and sent my heart fluttering like humming bird's wings, I looked away quickly and went back to joining Wyatt in our hysterics.

"Hmm, I can't wait for the day that Pan slits your pretty little throat." Felix snarled with a bone-chilling grin before stalking away. That shut me up.

"That asshole just can't take a joke." Wyatt muttered.

"Nah, he just can't handle our awesomeness." I punched him lightly in the arm.

He beamed at me, blue eyes sparkling, he looked happier than I had ever seen him.

"You going somewhere?" He asked, pointing at my sword.

"I got to take care of something for Pan."

"Like what?"

"Nothing big, just wants me to take a dip into Mermaid Lagoon to grab a chalice that may or may not be there."

"You're not being serious are you?"

I sighed.

"Trust me, I don't like it either, but I have no other choice. You know that."

"That doesn't mean you can run all over this damn jungle, risking your life."

"It's either that or we both get killed."

He didn't have a comeback for that so he just stared at the ground.

"Point is, I'll be fine. I should be back by nightfall, if not earlier."

Wyatt scratched his head and looked around the camp.

"I think there's a party tonight."

I raised an eyebrow, "a party? For what?"

He shrugged, "nothing. From what I've heard, they throw parties here all the time. Gives them something to look forward to I guess "

"Sounds fun, I should be back in time for it."

"Yea, please don't leave me alone with them."

I laughed, putting my hand on his shoulder, "I'll be back in time, I promise."

He smiled at me, "you better be. Good luck with not getting drowned."

"Gee, thanks." I remarked sarcastically.

He shook his head at me still grinning and then left to go to training, as he went, I was confronted with the sight of Peter sitting at the fire pit, staring right at me. I barely gave him so much as a glance before I rolled my eyes and headed into the jungle straight to Mermaid Lagoon.....wherever that is.

Violent Delights and Violent Ends ( a Peter Pan OUAT Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now